Four Nights and Counting....

For the past month or so, Jesse's nighttime sleep has progressively gotten worse. He has gone from sleeping 10-12 hour stretches without waking and nursing to waking up once in the middle of the night (no big deal - we can handle that). Then a few days later, waking up every four hours (hmmm.....okay - growth spurt?), to waking every two hours, to finally deciding that every hour on the hour he would like to awaken and scream bloody murder until someone did something about it.

Finally, at the beginning of this week, I reached my breaking point and told Kev that I was just about ready to have a nervous breakdown unless something changed. I talked to my pediatrician and did lots of reading - so that I wouldn't just be looking at this issue through "baby wise" eyes, and all that I read agreed with what my pediatrician said in that - Jesse should be capable of sleeping through the night by now, and we need to help him learn to "work it out." She said, "Most kids will break the habit in 2-5 days, but there is a small minority that may take two to three months to kick it." what category do we think our little Jesse will probably fall into?!!!!

There are a whole boatload of varying philosophies out there to help parents teach their children to "work it out" from the "no cry solution" of just doing whatever it takes to make them happy to the "let 'em scream it out" until they cry themselves into oblivion. Kev and I talked about this for a few days and tried to decide what our plan of attack would be. The biggest issue at stake was that whatever we were going to do - we had to stick with it! If in a couple of days we couldn't hack it anymore and gave in, then it would all be for naught.

So, four nights ago, we decided to set the pack and play up in the kitchen with a really loud fan, we ran the bathroom fan, we gave Kaden two fans and a radio, and we gave ourselves a fan as well. The plan was that when Jesse woke - from here on out - he would not be nursed, and he would not be picked up unless he got absolutely hysterical. We would go to him every twenty minutes, rub his tummy, and tell him that he was okay, but then we would walk away and go back to bed. It was agreed that I would take the first shift, Kev would go next, and so on. Whew! Was I ever nervous. I knew that this would not be for the faint of heart, but I was ready! I was at the point where I was feeling that I had lost all control!

Well, the first night, I "tanked him up" right before we went to bed at 10:00 so that I would know his tummy was full, and then he was down for the count. Just like clockwork, at 2:00 a.m., Jesse woke up crying. I laid there and watched the clock tick by...five minutes.....ten minutes... until at the twenty minute mark, I went out into the kitchen, rubbed his tummy, and said, "No, Jesse. It's time to sleep." To which he promptly broke out into high-pitched-bloody-murder-I'm-mad-at-the-world-and-I-plan-to-wake-up-the-whole-entire-complex shrieks. Hmmmmm, that went well. I crawled back into bed, put some earplugs in, and told Kev that it was his turn next!

Twenty minutes later, Kev went out and did the same. It was to be my turn at 3:00, but when I rolled over again it was 3:45! Oh man...bad Mommy. But wait - our apartment was silent! I looked over at Kev who was staring up at the ceiling, and he calmly said: "Jesse fell asleep at 3:00." Only an hour! Not for the faint of heart, mind you - but I fully expected about three hours of screaming for this first night! I sank back into blissful sleep overwhelmingly happpy and thankful.

For the past three nights, Jesse has fallen back to sleep before the twenty minute mark each time. I can't even believe that he is not fighting this harder, and I am not holding my breathe - but I do feel that my world is beginning to right itself once more! My sister-in-law was here two nights ago, so we put Jesse in our room. When he woke at 2:00 I begged the Lord to put him back to sleep! PLEASE, LORD! NOT TONIGHT! NOT WITH COMPANY WHO WILL SURELY THINK THAT WE ARE HORRIBLE PARENTS FOR LETTING OUR CHILD CRY! But, thankfully, after just a couple of seconds of fussing, back he went to la la land!

So, we shall see what the future holds. For now, I am catching up on my sleep and am no longer a zombie crabmyster woman! We plan to keep Jesse in the kitchen for a few more weeks, but I am hopeful. And I have never been more thankful for an eight hour stretch of sleep in my life!


Anonymous said...

Wow, Ame - that's great...I hope your little Jesse will continue to sleep better...I am sure it must be so frustrating...but, I'm sure this is working, and hope he will soon figure it out!! That's great -- I am trying to "glean" as much knowledge as I can from my "motherly" friends...I am about halfway to full-term -- had my ultrasound yesterday, and it looks like everything is good so far -- we are soo excited to have a baby of our own -- we feel so ready for this...knowing it won't all be blissful and glorious -- we are just so thrilled and excited!!!

We're going to Maine tomorrow to celebrate Thanksgiving with Jason's family -- so, we're pretty excited. I may try to stop and see your mom -- it would be on Sunday, and just a quick little visit. I hear Matt is going home -- that is wonderful!!! I am so happy to be in touch with him through facebook. I'm sure you wish you could go home for Thanksgiving, too -- hope you have a great time in Philly, though. I love ya AMe -- we'll have to chat soon. Take care, my friend...

Esther said...

Ame, I sympathize. I can't say I empathize because I don't know what that's like. All I know is... do I really want to start thinking about having children???? : ) I know there's good stuff involved... but I LIKE MY SLEEP! I'm gonna have a hard time with the whole getting up seventeen times a night. I'm glad you're finding a way to deal with the situation...