Funny Story.....Kinda'

For those of you who know us, you know that we do not drink. We actually don't have issues with it, we just have not chosen to partake ourselves for various reasons......until complete accident!

Kev and Kaden took me to Olive Garden for Mother's Day, and at the conclusion of our meal, we decided to get the yummy "Frozen Tiramisu" which was available with or without "spirits." When our waitress came by, Kev asked her if it tasted the same either way, and she said, "Oh yes, some people just like it with the alcohol, but it tastes exactly the same." Thinking she would understand that we wanted a non-alcoholic version, seeing an OBVIOUSLY pregnant wife and three year old little boy, Kev merely said, "O.k., we'll all split one to go."

Well, somehow there was a breakdown in communication, and here is where it happened. The waitress said, "Oh, we're really not supposed to make them to go." (Because they don't want people drinking and driving, I guess). I was thinking of how it would be much easier to just drink it in the restaurant anyway, so I simply said, "Oh, that's fine. We'll just drink it here." A couple of minutes later she brings us our bill AND the drink in a to go cup with a parting comment, "I just put it in a to go cup anyway, even though I wasn't supposed to."

THAT should have clued us in. But, nope, the naive Bookers sat happily in the middle of the restaurant sucking back on our yummy alcoholic Tiramisu. At first Kaden kept saying, "Oh! This is a yummy special treat!" But, the further he got to the bottom, he began saying, "OOOh! I don't like this - it's toooo strong!" I agreed with him and said that I didn't particularly like the flavor either, so we let Kev finish off the last little bit.

On our way out to the car, as we got to thinking about it, Kev said, "You know, I'm just going to run back inside to check with her and make sure that she made it without alcohol." Sure enough - she made it the regular way! Kev assured her it wasn't really a big deal, but he just wanted to know because his 8 month pregnant wife and three old little boy drank just as much as he did! She was horrified and felt so bad! We just about died laughing. No big deal really, but not the ideal after dinner treat for a prego and a little boy! Goodness knows, he's already been introduced to coffee and is addicted at a VERY young age - he needs no other vice! :0)

Well, what can I say? Hey - if we're going to try alcohol for the first time we might as well make it a family occasion! Good grief! Only us........


Esther said...

That's classic! I had a similar thing happen here in Bangor when I was in high school... we went to Bobo's with a couple friends and my friend's younger sister. He ordered her a Strawberry Daquiri - virgin. Well, they didn't bring it virgin, and we realized after she had taken a couple sips. At the same time, the waiter came running over and abruptly whisked the drink away, and shortly after brought the virgin drink as it had been ordered...

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I want my daughter pledged to a drunkard... :)