A Little Dirt Never Hurt.

Did you know that dirt is good for you? It's true, and I have proof! Here's an article that gives evidence to my claim. Read it. Some really impressively smart people wrote it, so it must be true. And there are many other health benefits besides. It can aid in preventing depression! And it can maybe even make you smarter. Who knew? Holy Hannah, my kids are going to be stinkin' geniuses, some day. And in addition to dirt, I just came across this rockin' blog post that lists just a few more amazing "toys" that our children can enjoy during these brief days of summer vacation. For some awesomely innovative ideas for some good old fashioned fun, this "geek dad" lists the five best toys of all time. Classic. Yep. My once a week shower time for the boys shall remain firmly in place. I am now justified in my lazyness...er..I mean my health consciousness.


LaurelM said...

i'm sorry, but for the first time you have lost me... sorta. i guess we don't slip and slide enough.... a sentence i never thought i'd ever write.

Kevin and Amy said...

you know...slip n slide? like going down a watery slide and getting all wet? Hence, it's like a bath...

shandy said...

I had a major stomach sickness over in hungary and one of my friends introduce a certain kind of dirt that you eat and it settles the stomach. After that for the rest of my time in Hungary anytime I'd even begin to have a sore belly a tablespoon or two kept the doctor away.