My Favorite Things.

Once upon a time, in the wee wee hours of the morning, I woke to my usual "middle of the night call of duty" and was so thrilled to see that it was only 2:00 a.m. Don't you just love waking up in the middle of the night, rolling over and checking the clock, and then snuggling back in knowing that you have at least three or four hours left to sleep?

One of my most favorite things in the world.
Seriously, it's on my top ten list of my most favorite things.
Well, it would be, anyway...if I had a top ten list. I just know it would.

Well, it just so happened, that Jesse woke up to pee at the same time AND I could hear Ransom stirring in his crib. Weird, thought I - that we are all awake at the same time. But, I walked Jesse back to his bed, tucked him in, covered Ransom back up...and then just happened to glance at the downstairs clock.

6:00 a.m.

Sir Rancey Pants had been playing with our upstairs alarm clock and had flipped the time zones on us. SOMEWHERE in the world, it was 2:00a.m, and SOMEWHERE in the world a tired out little Mama gets to snuggle back under her covers for three or four more hours, but not this here Mama in small-town, Maine.

Bless that little child's heart.
What a dirty trick...

* * * * *
Living in boyland, the big plan for today is to go outside, build a fire, torch our Christmas tree, and freeze our buns off. Not necessarily in that order, I am sure. I am doing my best to be a good sport about this whole "family fun day." Snow bunny, I am not.

But, out we all shall go.
We'll build the fire of the century, set our tree ablaze, have ourselves a wee little weinie roast, and then come in for naps. Joy to the world.

* * * * *
The work week is over, and the week-end is upon us, friends. For us, the weekend tends to be busier than the week days themselves, but it's a different change of pace. And, a change is as good as a rest, so they say. Whoever "they" are...

So...with it being the end of the week and all, I shall embark upon week #2 of my new tradition (which quite possibly might last only as long as week #2...or maybe week #3, if I'm really lucky. There is a reason why I don't keep New Year's Resolutions, you know) of doing a camera dump of sorts, of "This Week's Top Ten" or however many that I so choose to list. It 'tis my game, after all...

So, here you have it.
This Week's Top Eleven, actually.
Amy's Favorite Things...

1. While I am not necessarily opposed to hand-held gaming systems, per say...I AM opposed to children sitting on their rears all day and forgetting to use their imaginations that the good Lord gave them. However. I am also not opposed to my kids learning the value of really hard work and the excitement that comes from earning something that they have wanted for a super long time. So, Kaden has begun working toward earning enough money to buy his very own Nintendo DS - or whatever those things are called. He gets a quarter for every time he loads the dishwasher, unloads it and puts things away, scoops the litter box, loads the washing machine, and unloads and folds the laundry. So far so good. Mama gets some extra help, the boy is learning some life skills, and one day his wifey just might rise up and called me blessed!

2. Risso, sprawled by the fire in the evenings. For the record, this is how I would like to be spending this freezing cold Saturday...

3. Ransom's very first piece of artwork in which he told Mama exactly what he drew. This one? "An ouchy bug." You heard it here first, folks.

4. And speaking of artwork, I am finding my middle child's displays of artistry equal parts scary and hilarious...

5. And speaking of scary, I loved this moment when Daddy scared the stuffing out of all three of the boys and made them shriek like girls while they were watching out the window one morning. Hi.larious.

6. My girls - just barely peeking their heads out of their shelter during the snowstorm we had this week. I know, ladies. I understand. I feel your pain.

7. Freshly cleaned and folded laundry. Courtesy of Kaden. Me likey this agreement.

8. A sweet little moment one morning in the kitchen that Daddy caught of me and my bebe coloring. When he asks, "Color, me, Mama?" and plops down on my lap, I cannot resist.

9. Nor can I resist his dimple and the way he loves his barn toys. All is forgiven from earlier this morning, my love. Just don't do it again....

10. Evidence of little thieves who have taken my camera hostage.

11. Games of Mancala...complete with Daddy decked out in hunter's orange. Classic.

And there you have it.
This week's!
So, what were some of your favorite things this week?


Rachael said...

Oh, I especially adore the itchy bug! Indeed, it does look quite itchy!
P.S. Yearning for a play date with you and your boys. While I'm still able to play. The girls informed me they wanna come to you...which is our sweet way of inviting ourselves over. :-) Name the day, lovie. We'll be there.

Angelica said...

luv the bedroom look~so rusticky..calming..woodsie...

Shandy said...

LOVE IT!! I feel your pain with the early morning rise. But I still laughed hard.

Kelsey said...

oh Amy, that is a dirty trick indeed-- one of my favorite things is waking up in the middle of the night and then going back to sleep too (bliss!). I thought I was the only one.

Lajeunesse Family said...

Love reading your blog Amy! Thank you for the constant gentle reminders to slow down and just be. To enjoy the moment for everything it is! You bless my heart girl! :)