Final Harvest.

My sweet neighbor, Lew, came over today and helped me take care of the remnants of my sad little garden and get it ready to be tucked in for winter.

With the help of my two littlest ones, we dug up the carrots, onions, and potatoes; removed the black plastic; pulled the corn stalks; picked cucumber and tomato plant remnants, and did a final rock picking to get ready for the rototiller.

The day was beautiful, the company was sweet, and it was nice to have one final time in the garden getting our hands dirty.

Bountifully blessed, we are indeed.

And now we dream of next year...

1 comment:

rachael a said...

ooooooh. . lov o ly. i love ALL these pictures and look at the potatoes! whoo hoo! love it. treasures beneath the soil. happiness.
hasn't it been GORGEOUS out! wow. me and the two littles have done lots of swinging the past two days.
so excited about next years garden. i have ever so much more brain cells to put into it alREADY! :)haha.
we'll have to compare garden hopes and dreams.