What's Fer Dinner.

Yesterday was one of those really beautiful, sunny days where I should have been puttering about in my yard like I posted about previously. Instead, we continued our lazy streak of milkshakes and Boxcar Children on the porch, bike rides and coffee in the driveway, and a little mini trespassing excursion to a wee little pond down the road from us.

Kaden had high hopes of catching us some trout for supper.
Instead, we got three minnows and a frog.
And a hefty portion of ants were caught by the smallest hoolie.

I don't think we would have starved, but thankfully, Daddy came home with these beauts!

Jesse was in his glory cutting off their heads.
While decapitating them he said: "But, I don't see any ham."
Homeschooling has been a raging success with this one...

No goldfish were harmed in the making of this lunch.
But, I'm pretty sure poor little Goldie has been traumatized for life...



Rachael said...

Ham! Ha! Love that kid!!! Poor Goldie's still living, eh? That goldfish just won't quit!

Katie said...

Ahahahahaha . . . the photo with the fish decapitation happening RIGHT in front of Goldie is PRICELESS.

Your family is great. :)

Kristi said...

you guys are so entertaining...Jesse is hilarious.

Psalm117ptg said...

Love it. Char and I laughed so hard.