Grace Squeezed Out

In church this Sunday, a man whom I have long respected and loved, preached a simple, yet oh so profound message on grace. He said that if we were to squeeze the Bible what we would see come pouring out would be grace. GOD'S grace. His forgiveness. His love. He quoted apologist Ravi Zaccharias saying that the one question that he has the hardest time answering is why Christians treat each other the way we do. Why do we show each other so LITTLE grace? Why do we hold grudges? Why do we take offense so easily? Why are we not committed to each other? Why do we keep lists of wrongs done to us? These lists are dangerous - they will destroy us if we let them.

One comment that he gave was: Each church culture reflects the sum total of the individuals' walk with Jesus. I completely agree with this statement. Every church has its own culture - reflective of its people. And every individual sends their own message, as well. We need to be a church - and we need to be individuals - without fences and barriers. People need to feel free to come and heal - to be broken and mended. People need to sense - ahead of time - grace in us! Do we do this for each other? In the little things as well as the large?

I want to be that kind of person. Someone not easily offended. Not easily threatened when I see others living out their lives and their calling differently than the way that I do it. Gracious in my actions. Gracious in my responses. Gracious when I feel wronged, and gracious when I need to ask forgiveness. Gracious in my parenting and gracious in the way I see others parent. Gracious with my passions and the way God has asked me to walk out my calling and obey Him. And gracious with others who have different convictions.

Jesus was called a "friend of sinners." And aren't we all - just that? Sinners? Does He not show us grace unlimited? Does He not love unconditionally? Does He not wait for us - with arms wide open - for His prodigal children to come back to Him over and over again? How can we not do the same for each other?

How strong is your grace muscle? I'm finding mine needs a little more exercise.


Rachael said...

Areed. Good thoughts to dwell on...

Shay said...

Love Ravi Zacharias :) Good stuff.

Anonymous said...

I love this. Just love it. And I love you. You are someone who shows grace, I can tell you that!