Finding my Groove

Wow. It's been so long since I've been away for any number of days that I had forgotten how it takes awhile to find my groove again! Kevy did a great job of keeping the house picked up, dishes done, etc., - but there had been no real cleaning done for awhile. I have a hard time functioning until I get all of my ducks back in a row again. So, it's taken me a few days, but I think I'm back on track. Whew! Laundry, dishes, filth, baths, STUFF never takes a vacation, does it? I wish it would......

Man - I missed all of my little men. And the big one too. A whole lot. I missed their messiness, our fun conversations, Ransom's cuddling, story times, our little routines, talks in bed with Kevy, my home, its smells, their smells....most of them. ALL of it - I was SO happy to come home to. I'm a crazy mix - I LOVE to get away and have a break from the normal rhythm of life. I love to have something out of the ordinary to look forward to. But, once I get just a little taste of it, it'll do me for a long time, and I am so happy to be right back into the rhythm of the crazyness of MY life - messes, diapers, cries in the night, laundry and all.

But, OH the fun we had!

It was SO fun to be crazy and not be responsible for anyone but myself for a few days. It was so WEIRD! We felt like we were being so wild and crazy by just driving - sans map - until we were tired and then finding a hotel and not knowing what state we were even in! For me - a 33-year-old-mother-of-three-married-for-eleven-years-PLANNER - that was pretty wild and crazy! Ha! Our throats were literally sore after driving for 14 hours, because we talked nonstop. It was so nice to catch up on life together - uninterrupted, conversations completed. It was so fun to go to bed when I wanted and wake up when I felt like it. It was fantastic to be pampered and have my meals made and dishes washed for me. And it was SO satisfying to get some work done in my albums. Ransom is now completely up to date. The others, we won't speak of, but they are for another roadtrip! And then, when the retreat weekend was over, we crashed at our friend's house and stayed up late visiting with her and her four (FOUR!) boys. And then we kicked it home the next day - again talking nonstop and driving and stopping whenever we felt like it - as opposed to whenever a diaper or bladder was full!

And so now I am home. Refreshed and rejuvenated. It was so good. All of it. And I am the better for it. Getting away lets me see my life afresh and anew, and I am again clearly reminded of all of the blessings that I have and of the very full life that I live. I do so love to get little breaks in my life - little moments to breathe and have my mind quiet and wiped clean from responsibilites for a bit. But I love just as much - more so! - jumping back in with both feet - laundry and school and meals and dirt up to my ears....never ending, really.....but it's what I was made for. And I love it.

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