Or, more accurately - a story of a "God thing."

Have you ever had an event take place in your life where everything just "seemed" to fall into place perfectly, and where it would be so easy to write something off as simply being "really lucky?"
Well, this morning, something like that happened, but we all know that it was totally a God thing - just a beautiful, perfect gift from him.
Are you ready for the story? It's pretty cool.
Once upon a Tuesday morning, Kevy again got up at the crack 'o dawn to go and sit in his deerstand in our woods out back. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the boys and I were all just doing our morning routine like we always do. The big boys were playing in their bedroom, and I was getting Ransom dressed for the day.
All of a sudden, Kaden yelled: "Mommy! There's a buck in our garden!" And sure enough, there was a nice six-pointer meandering his way through our garden and heading towards the woods in the vicinity where I knew Kev was hunting. So, I ran for my cell phone and texted Kev as quickly as I could: "There's a buck in our garden - heading your way."
And then we waited. And we prayed. And we freaked out a little bit.
About five minutes later, we heard two gun shots! Within minutes, Kev called saying: "Nice teamwork!" He was getting ready to get down from his stand when the text came in, and he was just reaching for the phone to check the time. He said that everytime he gets ready to get down from his stand, he prays for wisdom to know if he should sit a little longer in case he might miss something by getting down early.

By Kaden seeing the deer in the first place, and then by getting my text, he got himself resituated and was ready for the deer when he came by. And the deer dropped right at the base of his stand!

How cool is that? Oh the WONDERS of modern technology!
A great story of teamwork, an awesome gift from God, (a great lesson in answered prayer for my boys!!! - which I am very aware does not happen all the time, by the way) and a nice shot by my Stud.
But, a story of "Luck"? I think not.

And, of course, Lou and Arlo had to come over to join in the fun!