I Want to be a Bezalel!

I had never heard of Mr. Bezalel before yesterday, but now he's my new fave and I love him! Might even want to name my next boy after him. (Big joke - Kev would never go for it).

I'm doing a Beth Moore Bible study - a first for me - entitled "A Woman's Heart, God's Dwelling Place," and I really really love it. She's taking us through the building of the Tabernacle in the Wilderness, and yesterday's lesson was all about this guy named Bezalel.

Bezalel was nothing out of the ordinary - just like me - but he was chosen by God because he was available and because he was obedient. Back in Old Testament days, before Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended on only a handful of people - for a period of time - and these were mostly leaders, prophets, elders...basically "important" people. In all the list of those important few who were filled by the Spirit, Bezalel was the only one who was not a leader or a prophet. He was just a wage earner....a blue-collar guy. Nothing special. Yet, he was the only one in Old Testament history to be filled and empowered by the Holy Spirit to construct the Tabernacle. Super cool. Just a regular dude.

The name Bezalel means "in the shadow of God." This guy was not on a power trip or craving recognition. He was perfectly happy to dwell in the shadow of the Almighty! God's name was enough for him, and he considered it a privilege just to work on God's team.

This is so awesome! And so unlike me, I'm afraid. I too often love and crave the accolades and the recognition. I like the spotlight way too much. But, I so badly want to just simply be happy and content serving and loving Jesus....content to live in His shadow.

Okay. Here's where the lesson hit home for me.

God empowered this man for an assignment that was WAY out of his league......hmmmmm.....somewhat like motherhood for me...., and He did this ON PURPOSE! He purposely assigned Bezalel a task beyond his capability so that God could fill him with His power.

Motherhood IS completely out of my league - raising my kids to love Jesus, helping them to become young men of character, etc. etc. Anything and everything of priority in the Kingdom is waaaaay out of my league! BUT THAT'S SO GOOD! I need to remember that God has me in a position way beyond my capability so that I will be at His absolute mercy, realizing that only He can succeed.....never me - especially in my own strength.

Sincerity and sweat will never suffice! Good intentions will always result in failure.

God wants to raise my boys to be godly men THROUGH me. He doesn't want ME to do it! He wants me to simply let Him do His job through me as a completely open and willing vessel. If I can stop to remember that I work for Him - and not the other way around - with my assignment will ALWAYS come the guarantee that I will be equipped for the job. It is ONLY through Christ that I will be an effective mother, wife, friend, woman!

He promises to equip me "for the work of service" to the building up of [my boys]. (Ephesians 4:12) He measures grace to me (Ephesians 4:7), and He promises that when I am in His Word and have His Word being lived through me that through Him, I will "be adequate, thoroughly equipped for every good work!" (II Timothy 3: 16,17)

That's a promise that I will cling to! Just call me Mrs. Bezalel......


KateO said...

Amy, this is so awesome. We were learning a similar thing in our bible study about God mothering for us, its not us ourselves cause we'll fail. I couldn't exactly grasp it, and this post TOTALLY clarified it for me. Thank you!
I enjoy reading your blog, and miss you terribly!
Kate-from PA MOPS

Life With My Joys..... said...

KATIE!!!!! Oh how fabulous to hear from you! Man - it makes me miss you and our coffee times.....

Anonymous said...

Wow, very neat post.

Also, about the name thing-- what about a middle name? ;)

Chantelle said...

Preach it, sister. And keep on sharing devotional thoughts. One can never have too much encouragement! XOXO

Shay said...

good stuff! :)

Trish D said...

Thanks, I really needed that! (and yes, you're being quoted in a post!)