Dates With Daddy

At Bagel Central yesterday....

DADDY: Are we always going to do this - even when you're older?
KADEN: Yup. We'll do this even when I'm a big man!
DADDY: YEAH! High five! Buddy's forever.
KADEN: We'll be buddies until I die!

That's the idea, Sweetheart. That's the idea.


Shay said...

awwww :)

rachael a said...

ooooooooohh. . . my word. a tear.

Anonymous said...

Awww, sweet. We were looking through our pictures yesterday from our visit with you guys...we both keep saying how adorable your boys are...they really are great little boys!!! how sweet that Kaden will have so many special memories with his Dad...what a gift!! (For you guys, too!)

Anonymous said...

i am tearing up...course this is me :)