Keeping it Simple

Kev and I sat down and had a serious chat about money the other morning and have come to the conclusion that this Christmas is going to need to be paired down in an extreme way. In the past few months we: moved, crashed our car, and graduated from college. So, needless to say, we are the poorest we have ever been!

On the one hand, this kind of stresses me and even makes me a little sad, because I really really really love to give, and I really really really love to cook, and there are also a few traditions (like sending cards and family photos) that I really love to do....but all those things cost money!

However, on the other hand, I HATE excessiveness, I despise shopping, I don't like stressing about money, and I thrive on simplicity. Soooo, whether we want to or not - this time, we have no choice in the matter - Christmas is going to be very simple this year. And the more that I come to accept this fact, the more I am beginning to embrace it!

We are going to forego the "Family Christmas Letter" along with the family photo. (Be still, my soul! This part of the plan I am reluctantly giving up). However, when thought about realistically, everyone will chuck the letter and picture within a couple of weeks if not sooner, anyway! And seriously, the people who really care about all the boring things that go on in our lives read our blog or check facebook or talk to us on the phone or see us face to face anyway! I'll instead write a little bloggy version of our Christmas letter perhaps, and post it just a bit before Christmas.

We are also going to only get each other one present. For the kids, we're going to give them stocking stuffers, one gift apiece, and one gift to share. Good heavens - that's totally sufficient in my mind, anyway! By the time Grampy's, Grammy's, Aunties, and Uncles all hand out their gifts, we'll still be dealing with the glazed eyes of overload. I'm sure of it. And I have many married friends who don't even get anything for each other, either. So, it's not like anyone is going to be suffering!

I want to be more intentional and focus better on what Christmas is truly about - especially with our children getting older. I want to do more of the simple things with them each day in the time leading up to Christmas, also - like decorating cookies together, reading and relaxing by the tree, doing little crafts, savoring the magic, having people over etc., - simple things! - as opposed to constantly fighting the crowds and stressing over how far to stretch the budget. I want Kaden & Jesse to see us living out what we are trying to teach them: It's better to give than to receive, it doesn't matter how small your gift is as long as you give it out of a heart of love, and it's not "stuff" that's supposed to make us happy, anyway! That is NOT what Christmas is all about!

When, just by sheer necessity, excessiveness is weeded out of our lives - at least for me - a burden is almost lifted - and I'm able to relax again and just focus on what I'm supposed to be thinking about anyway.

Gifts will still be given....but with more creativity and thought put into them. Packages will still be unwrapped....but they'll be savored more as there will just be a few. Bills will get paid. Wisdom will be exercised. Stress will go down! And above all, Christ will be better celebrated, more intentionally talked about, read about, and sung about - and perhaps even more so now, because after all - He truly is the reason for this season!


rachael a said...

cheers to that! my whole side of the family decided once and for all NO more gifts! please!! haha. . and we are all so happy ! . . but the funny thing is. . we have already found a few things by pure chance for a few of eachothers. . and thats ok too. . .just little things to put on a pillow on christmas morning or something.. but there is no . ."going out to shop for eachother" and spending loads of money we don't have.
good times! we couldn't be happier to have all that time and emotional energy to do other things together.

Esther said...

I fully agree as well. Christmas is definitely way commercialized and I have to admit that I often fall into that trap. But this year I too want to find more creative and meaningful ways to show my family and friends that I care. And I want to focus on the real reason we even have this splendid time of year - Jesus!!
You're awesome Amy and your kiddos are blessed to have you and Kev as parents. Oh, by the way, I've gotta teach you how to post pics up on your blog!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Please let your friend teach you how to post pictures on your blog!!! ;)

You could totally do that as your Christmas photo.

good ideas...and, I totally can feel so stressful when you have no money, really does make you be more creative and intentional about what you do and buy, and what things make Christmas special to begin with...I think when you have money you spend way more than you need to anyways (so I've been told!! ha ha)...I love hearing your are a dear dear person - I'm blessed to know you and have you in MY life...and I feel quite sure your dear little boys must know how blessed they are as well - I think you are an amazing mom, Ame...Merry Christmas, old friend...hope to chat again soon. Have a wonderful day!!

Sarah said...

I think it's great. Jason and I have always tried to keep Christmas about Jesus and not about things. We only by one present for each other and on present for each person in our family and we keep a VERY modest budget per person.
I would like to pass on a fun idea for you and the kiddos as you strive to teach them what it's all about...make a big deal about how it is Jesus' birthday, do a little out of the norm baking and bake Jesus a super special birthday cake!

Kevin and Amy said...

That's a GREAT idea! My Mom always does this with the kids when we come home for Christmas. I LOVE it! We're also doing lots of baking to give away...a little to keep...but most to give - with them having cooked and decorated everything! It's been fun!

Anonymous said...

Wait. I somehow missed this car crash you mentioned.

Anyway, the idea of cutting back Christmas seems fantastic to me. It IS the free stuff that's the most fun anyway! :)
Hugs and love to all of you!