12 Hours of Driving in a Car Together Later....

We are finally home. Yeesh.

This was THE longest ride home. Ever. Oh my living word. We hit significant traffic in three different places. We had a hold-up because of two accidents. When we sat down to eat at Cracker Barrel at our half-way point, the fire alarm went off so the entire restaurant had to evacuate. And the last half hour of the drive, Jesse screamed bloody murder and I had to pee so bad I thought I was going to lose it in our rental car! That was our day in a nutshell! Good times. Good times.

Anyhoo - we are home. Clothes are unpacked. Boys are bathed and abed. Clothes are ironed for church. And I am catching up at the computer for a few!

I will update tons later. As many of you know, we went home to candidate at a church this past week. It was a crazy busy trip, but a great one, as well. On the way up, we celebrated our 9 year anniversary by staying at a nice little hotel in Sturbridge, Mass. The boys were with us, but it was tons of fun. This place was in a great little town, and right on the property there was a lake to swim in with a little beach. This was HUGE for us as there are no lakes or rivers to swim in around here. How I love the feel of mud squishing between my toes and not being able to see what's on the bottom because the water is so cloudy! Love it!

Although most of the trip was for "business" purposes, we still managed to squeeze in some lovely four-wheeling, frogging, and bon-firing with my family, and a great family day to Campden with Kev's fam. We ate at our fave coffee shop and we walked the mile-long pier to the lighthouse in the rain; and the boys thought that was just the coolest!

In a couple of days, when the fog has lifted, I shall update more on the goings on in our lives. But for now, my bed - oh my glorious bed - beckons me loudly.....


Esther said...

Yay! I am glad you guys made it home safely. Can't wait to hear the full update...

Shay said...

I'm stowing away in your suitcase next time. *yearns*

CurtisYolandaEliNate said...

Gosh longs trip are such a mixture of ups and downs with two kids! Glad your back safely! Look forward to hearing more! Congrats on 9 years of newlyweds status! :]

rachael a said...

wowness. i don't envy you that trip at all you poor things! do call me when you have a chance dearest. loves!