Oh glorious day!

Kev DOES have a snow day today, and it is SUCH a fun and unexpected surprise!

He made us omelets for breakfast which were delish. And now he and Kaden are out playing in the snow while Jesse sleeps. When Jesse wakes up, we're going to brave the storm and go and run a few errands. We're from Maine, right? While six or so inches shuts down the world out here, schools would only delay an hour or so up home!

On another note - there's going to be a Caedmon's Call concert at the school on Sunday night, and Kev and Kaden are going to go - just the two of them. How cute is that? Kaden asked, "Do we get to dance around?" This will be a "first" for him, and I think he's totally going to love it. He LOVES music. He has a little guitar that Kev found for him on a yard sale, and he has a plethora of other instruments. When we have worship practice at church, he always sits on the steps beside us and plays either his harmonica or piano horn right along with us! If Kev tells the band to cut out the instruments, he'll cut out, and if he tells them to play quietly, he tones it down. It's so cute! And he wants music playing at home continuously. So, I think he'll totally love this concert experience.

Okay, I'm off to conquer the world while I have this unexpected hour to myself!


Anonymous said...

Oh I'm so excited for you!!! A snow day is one of the greatest things...a day off when you don't expect it -- I'm so happy for you guys!!! Be safe on the roads, okay - from Maine or not, you've been in Philly for awhile...don't want you to forget...

Very cute that Kaden and Kevin are going to the concert together - I'm sure they'll both love it...I'm a bit jealous -- We LOVE Caedmon's Call...that's awesome they can go...

Okay - have a wonderful LONG weekend!!! Love you guys...

Anonymous said...

Awww . . . yay for musical families. Yay for father/son nights. Yay for snow days! :)