
It begins. Actually, it's been going on for quite some time. I knew it would. It should. And I truly am okay with it. He just doesn't need to rub it in!

What am I talking about, you ask? Well, let me enlighten you. The other evening, Kev headed to his night class while Kaden waved to him from the window. As he was driving away Kaden said sadly: "Oh, Mommy! I don't want him to to go." I said, "I know, Honey. But, he's just going to school. He'll come snuggle you when he gets home." To which Kaden replied, "Mommy, he's my favorite."

Now, this didn't phase me in the least, because he gets that expression from me. If I love something, I always say "it's my favorite." So, I responded with: "Me too, Sweety." Well, not to be misunderstood Kaden made sure to clafity.

"No. Mommy. I like Daddy gooder than you."
"Oh. Okay. But, do you still love Mommy too?"
"Oh yes. I just like Daddy gooder than you."

Okay. I can accept that. I know he still loves me. I also know that this is the age where little boys start to really bond with their Daddys, and I am totally okay with that. It's good and healthy.

You know.......I only gave birth to you, had major surgery, and almost lost my uterus because of you. But hey - no hard feelings. Really........ :0)

Just kidding.....kinda'.

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