The Lord Gives....

So, what do you say to two dear friends who are newly and happily pregnant who have just informed you that they both have just miscarried? Meanwhile, you already have one happy, healthy son and baby #2 is only three months away? You can't say you understand - because you don't. And all of the other things that you want to say to let them know you love them and want to walk alongside them sound so trite and shallow...... Meanwhile, just the mere sight of ME reminds them of what they have just recently lost. Tough stuff. Not my favorite. Makes me sick.


Anonymous said...

That's very sad. I've been there and experienced it before. Maybe I was 'unique' but I really didn't think anything when I saw other pregnant ladies. My sister was expecting at the time and the only thing I could think of was 'I'll just hope for next month'.

Anonymous said...

my mom miscarried before i was born. it was really hard for my parents but God had a plan and they wouldn't have had me if they had had the other baby, i guess that sounds awful to say but i have an older brother or sister to look forward to meeting someday in heaven (: so how are you doing? it was so good to see you guys in november, i missed you all a lot. hope things are well, love you!

Angie said...

Such a tough position to be in. Just wondering if these two girls know each other? Only asking because I know that in my life, when I'm going through something especially hard, it really has helped having someone around who has gone through a similar situation--someone who, when they say, 'I understand', really does understand. Obviously, they are both going through alot of pain right now, but maybe talking to each other might help them both as they go through this sad time.

Unknown said...

I have miscarried 5 times.
Each time when I saw other women who were expecting I was reminded that the Lord giveth AND the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord!
What a blessing to see other women carrying children. It shows God is still working His will.
Some women do get depressed when their hormones drop. Don't ever feel guilty for being happy for what God has given you, whether He chooses to give to others or not.
Emphathize, but don't apologize.