Tirty Point Buck!

In case you missed it, I shot a "tirty pointer" this year! To celebrate, I'm dedicating this song to that ole' deer. To hear it, go to this website:
I'll miss him.


Steven said...

What a riot!!! The "tirty" point buck! Where on earth did you find that song?

You can take the Mainer out of Maine...

Angie said...

That's funny Kev! Can't say I relate to the whole deer hunting thing, but then again, I've never tried it...maybe if I try it, I'll get hooked. Rob was all impressed though, when I showed him this post...who knew he knew what a 'tirty point buck' was (shamefully, I didn't). His first comment was 'He shot thirty point buck?!? That's impossible!' Then, he started trying to count all the points to see if there really were thirty--so, to clear things up for us...did you really hunt a 'tirty pointer' or was the title a joke 'cause of the song? (we 'urbanites' can be slow sometimes...;)

Anonymous said...

Hey, guys!!!...I unfortunately can't listen to the song at work...(probably shouldn't even be browsing the internet at all, to be honest!), but...just wanted to say Hi!! Ame...its been too long...we'll have to chat one of these days...

Love you guys!

Angie said...

ok ame...as much as i enjoy checking your blog and viewing the pic of the dead deer...i would LOVE to check your blog and see pics of you and your alive family...;). there...hinting, strongly again. just jokin'...kinda. seriously though, i know it's hard to keep up with the blogging...i definately go in spurts, but would love to read what's happenin lately...i'm gonna call you soon...hope to catch you on a lazy afternoon, with a cup of tea, just awaiting my call. love you so much.