Refreshed & Rejuvenated!

Well, the reason for my lack of blogging these past couple of days is that my sweet, sweet hubby whisked Kaden and I away for THREE nights to the Poconos for one final "last hurrah" before the arrival of baby #2! We had SUCH a great little family getaway, and it was a really special treat to just get away from life for awhile.

The weather was FAH-REEZING for the first couple of days - especially with us being up in the mountains, but we still had tons of fun swimming, eating :0), vegging, and checking out little shops. On the days that it was warm we explored the area, went on some fun hikes, ate at some yummy places, and just had a blast as a little family!

With having only one wee one who still takes naps and who still goes to bed fairly early, we were able to have a really great balance of family time AND couple time, so that was really nice. It was just wonderful to reconnect and have some great talks about US and about what this next year of life will bring with baby, Kev's internship, graduation, and future ministry.

For naps and bedtime, we rigged a blanket up over Kaden's pack and play and called it his "tent bed!" He thought this was the coolest thing ever, so he loved naps and bedtime - and we were still able to stay up later and watch T.V! Good times! Holy dyin' - that kid talks a lot in his bed! I never realized how much until we shared a room with him for those three nights. He sang to his puppy and told it stories for a good half hour before he settled down!

So anyway, here we are - back home with noses back to the ole grind, but IT'S ALL GOOD! A few days away does wonders for the soul!


Anonymous said...

You guys really do sound like you have fun whether on vacations or not. You always have such a positive outlook on things! Glad you had so much fun. :)

Angie said...

Ame, that's so great! I know what you mean about just getting away for even just a couple days and feeling refreshed...I felt like that when we went to Marie's in Ottawa a little while ago. I just needed to get out of my own space for awhile...the only down I'd like to get away again! ;) Oh well...summer's right around the corner, and camping is callin' our name so I'll try to exercise some patience! I am itching to talk to you so maybe i'll give you a call this week...i have no idea what your schedule is like, but i'll just try to call and hope you're home...fell free to comment on my blog with some times that might suit you best. i love you ame, and am glad you got away before #2 comes! love u!!!