Wild Child

Man oh man - we've got a wild one in my womb this time, let me tell you! With Kaden, there were entire days where I felt minimal movement - to the point of being slightly concerned at times. With this one - day and night - my stomach ripples with movement....to the point of making me nauseous (I don't know how to spell this word. I just asked my grad student hubby Kev, and he said, "Ummmm, n-a-u-t-i-0-u-s????" I think I'm right, but we're both too lazy to consult a dictionary.) Anyhoo, back to my topic..... So, I think our #2 is going to be our wild child. Not too sure how I feel about this; I've been quite spoiled with my tender and timid, mild-mannered little boy. I'm SURE it's a girl who is probably going to drive me to drink!! Lord, have mercy!!!!

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