Shannon - This One's For You!

I have been tagged for the list game, so here goes......Shannon C., Angie, and Esther - you're it next!

Aprons - Y/N? No - although I should - especially with my ever expanding girth. My belly seems to be a catch-all these days.

Baking - Hmmm. I go through phases where I love it and then phases where it's a hassle. This week I love it, and I have hot scones waiting for hubby when he gets home from class tonight.

Clothesline - Y/N? A community one that we all share in our communal backyard.

Donuts - Ever made them? Never made them. Have eaten my share. The only ones I have ever craved are Krispy Kreme hot off the press. De-lish!

One homemaking thing you do everyday? Man, I love homemaking. I do dishes, tidy up, organize, and clean some aspect of my bathroom every day. I love cleaning and organizing.

Freezer - Do you have a separate deep freezer? No, I wish I did. Since Kev shot his deer, that's practically all that's in our can hardly even hold an extra icecube tray!

Garbage Disposal - Y/N? No, I agree with you, Shannon - I think they are kind of scary.

Handbook - Y/N? I'm not sure I even know what that is? My Bible?! - My handbook for life!

Ironing - Love it or hate it? Oh man - despise it within the very depths of my soul. Poor Kevy - he irons most of his stuff. I'm actually quite horrible at it, as well....probably because I never do it.

Junk Drawer - Nope - but I have lots of cute "catch-all" wooden boxes that hold various things.

Kitchen - Design and decorating? - ummm, well we live in a rented apartment. But, when we moved in, we painted, laid tile, and I cutsied it up as much as I could.

Love - What is your favorite part of homemaking? Just being home. Making it "me." Decorating with fun things - bringing the outdoors in - lots of wooden things, berries, etc. Making it cozy for my boys. Cooking yummy food so the place smells good. I also LOVE throwing things away....actually a bit anal in this area, I must admit.

Mop - Y/N? Nope - I'm a hands and knees kinda' girl.

Nylons - Oh my - I swore those things off after three years at N.B.B.I. To this day, it's beyond me why I wore them on my wedding day. Beyond that moment, they have touched my legs on only one other occasion. They are the bane of my existence.

Oven - Do you use the window or open it to check? I open 'er wide and let all the hot air out!

Pizza - What do you put on yours? Whatever we have! Yummy cheese, turkey pepperoni if we have it, and lots of veggies.

Quiet - What do you do during the day when you get a quiet moment? These days - lots of homework. Although today I scrapbooked during Kaden's entire nap and did 13 pages! Whoo-hoo!

Recipe card box - Y/N? Nope. Binder. Much better. (Good answer, Shannon!)

Style of house - A ghetto apartment in a ghetto town....glorified dorm life with marrieds.

Tablecloths and napkins - Y/N? Tablecloth, no. Napkins, yes.

Under the kitchen sink - All my cleaning products

Vacuum - How many times a week? My place is small - but I usually do it twice. I probably sweep my kitchen and bathroom floors every other day.

Wash - How many loads do you do a week? Because I hate clutter - the three of us share one hamper. It's the equivalent of one load, and when it's full, I do a wash. Depending on how often we go to the gym - the average is probably three. (Shannon - I can't believe you do 16!!!!!! - OH MY WORD!)

X's - Do you keep a list of things to do and cross them off? I am most assuredly a list lover.

Yard - Who does what? Our landlord does it all, baby! Oh for the day when we will have to do everything again, though!

ZZZ's - What is your last homemaking task for the day? Pick up all of the rooms. Make sure that everything is in its place before I start the day all over again tomorrow


Anonymous said...

Reading this makes me want to come see your cutsie little place! And yes I really do that much laundry and sometimes more. I really don't know how to avoid it with 3 boys who can go through more than one outfit a day and snowsuits and everything else. Crazy!

Anonymous said...

Wow...quite the list!!! I wish we could come visit you guys, too and see your little ghetto apartment!! ha ha!! I bet its pretty cute!! Well...sounds like things are busy around there!!! Hope all is me sometime!!! Love ya, Ame!