For the Mama who is Weary...

Slow the pace.
Life's a journey - not a race.
Cup your hand to his small face.

Take the time.
Tell him often - "You are mine!"
Make him smile; see his eyes shine.

Watch them grow.
They'll be gone before we know.
These few years - let's take them slow.

Help us show...
All the love that our hearts hold.
Imperfections, flaws, and holes.

Hearts in pain.
For the tears that fall like rain.
Jesus knows our aches by name.

Safely know...
They are His - just ours on loan.
And this world is not our HOME.

Lose the shame.
Life is hard - this is no game.
God - He knows - Grace is His Name.
We must trust.
Give them back to Him - we must.
And He knows that we are dust...
He knows best.
Like a baby on our chest...
In Him know that you can rest.

"Blessed by the Lord, who daily bears our burden." ~ Psalm 68:19

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