For the Mamas...

 The days are long, but the years fly by.
This one thing I know to be true.
For my children are growing; they're no longer babes -
One is eight, one is five, one is two.

 Your Word says we're "shadows" - all flesh is "as grass."
And rushing results in nothing.
Your truth - it cuts deeply, and hurry - it hurts.
And harsh words carry with them a sting.
Redeem time for us, Jesus.  May we live this life well ~
In a world fast addicted to speed.
Show us what we must live by - the "must haves" for now ~
And to throw away what we don't need.
 Fill our aches with Your presence, and our hearts with Your life.
Restore us - Revive us anew.
Give us Your eyes to see, God ~ Give us Your ears to hear.
Fill our deep, aching needs up with You.
Confirm for me now, Lord, the works of my hands (Psalm 90:17).
And show me what things will just burn.
In these three lives eternal, will time be well spent.
...These lessons, I always must learn.

*     *     *     *     *

Dedicated to all of my dear Mama friends...
And this crazy, busy, sometimes thankless, and always moving season of motherhood.

"I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the LEAST of did for me!"
~ Jesus.  (Matthew 25:40)

"Motherhood is a sacred enterprise.  God can baptize dirty diapers, sleepless nights, and toddler tantrums in order to transform us into people who reflect the image of Christ.  God will use our kids in our lives to shape us.  They will teach us how to sacrifice and how to handle guilt, they will school us in the art of listening, and they will force us to our knees in prayer.  They will show us how to laugh and how to grieve, they will cause us to live courageously, and they will help us face our inadequacy and our need - and above all, our reliance upon the One who is greater than we are...and the One who gave us these gifts on loan in the first place." ~ Sacred Parenting. 


Anonymous said...


You do this parenting adventure with such vulnerability, grace, weakness (because you are trusting God's strength), joy and love. When I grow up I wanna be like you because you look so much like Christ!

I love you boatloads,

Kristi said...

your friend Brenda's comment is the truest compliment and one i agree with, you are a shining example of Jesus, Amy - your love for life and your honesty and kind and gracious are an amazing example of Him. i love you and am honored to have you in my life -- my oldest friend!!! i learn much from you. thank you for sharing your life with us.