Lazy Day Loves...

It's a rainy outside/cozy inside kind of a day. The kind of day that can't help but make you take a step back and slow down a little bit. I like those kinds of days once in awhile...the ones that make you change up your pace of life just a bit. So, today, I am thankful for:
:: Crafting at the kitchen table, and the perpetual messes of creativity this space in our home brings.
:: Trips to Fort Knox with just my Marmie and my youngest - picnics on the lawn included.
:: May flowers - and all of the childhood memories that come with them.
:: Filthy, filthy, filthy little boy legs and all of the bike riding road trips in our driveway every single day of life.
:: Watermelon. Always watermelon on hot, steamy days.
:: Great reminders to live by. I love this one.
:: The annual fishing weekend that Daddy and the big boys take every year. And next year, Mama will be home alone. (Whatever will I do with myself....)
:: Sweet table centerpieces handpicked by proud little hands.
:: This sweet little friendship.
:: My chickies roaming free once again. Let come what may....
:: Bike rides on old dirt roads.
:: This little cat - who is just like a puppy - and wants to be with us wherever we are.
:: Road trips with Grammy - kicking it to the wind and being gone all day.
:: Any time that I have one on one time with one of my loves...
:: Evidence of learning to ride bikes without training wheels. Yikes.
:: Beautiful scenery, gorgeous Creation.
:: Yes. A Thousand times yes. I agree..... And more loves this week ~ Flowers planted...and growing. Garden praying. Lew's tiller. A husband who loves me. Three little boys playing in the dirt. The miracle of life - in garden form. Dirty fingernails; filthy feet. Jesse on his bike - crazy and free. Bandaids, neosporin, and Mama's kisses. Brothers who care and seek to soothe. Lilacs - the smell is my Mother and Grammy all in one. Kaden & Jesse slowing down - so Ransom can be one of them. Runny noses - the gift of a slower day. Yard sale bargains - boy jeans without holes. Ransom's running and skipping and hopping. Kaden's kitchen conversations at the counter. Jesse's love and laughs and LIFE. A school year ending. Baby chickens growing. Friendships near and far. Fresh haircut, color, and feather. Conversations with Kim. Their constant, "Watch me, Mama!" Rainy days at home. Nap times and coffee. (#2923-#2964 ~ My Joy Journey)

1 comment:

Angelica said...

luv luv luv it all~~~~

Happy weekend to you~~Im sure you'll savor every moment~