A Day Late.

We've been up in God's Country for the past seven days. And although we left to come back home the day before Mother's Day, Mom and I were able to sneak away for an afternoon and play the way that she and I do so love to play...
We both have quite a fancy for Chinese food, so we love to sneak away and eat ourselves sick at the local little joint in town...often followed by a ginormous milkshake at the Dairy Bar next door...often followed by much moaning and groaning about how horribly sick we feel. Good clean fun.
And THEN we love to poke around at all of the little antiquey/vintage funk shops that all of our boys get bored to tears walking around in. This is the little gifty gift that I bought for Marmie as part of her Mom's Day gift...
...And old lard can. I'm awesome like that. But she's been looking for that exact can for months, so she was thrilled beyond measure. We are simple folk - it doesn't take much, I guess.
And this is the sweet little sign that she bought for me...although I am obviously NOT her mother. She can't handle me getting something for her without her reciprocating. She's a stinker. But I really REALLY love this sweet little plaque, and I have it hanging in my living room as a daily reminder. Pretty rockin' rules to live by, methinks. So, Marmie Dearest, Happy Mother's Day. An although you won't read this for days because you won't let Dad teach you how to work the computer, and although Dad may not get around to reading my blog for days because he has to work and drive bus and be a fireman and be the animal control officer...I want the world to know how much I love you. You ARE the best. You are my standard. You gave me the BEST childhood and the greatest memories. You have prayed me through my life, and you continue to do so every day. The longer that I am a mother the more I see and know what you have given and sacrificed for us kids. The more I understand your love. And the more I want to strive to be a better Mama to my three boys. Thank you for your love. Thank you for our life. Thank you for being you. Thanks for being my mother and my friend both. You totally and completely rock. Hardcore. I love you. SO very much...


Shannon said...

I love the Amazing relationship you have with your Mom! She did a fab job! I am now craving Chinese Food and that dairy bar right next to it that we head to every Sunday :) Thanks!!!

Angelica said...

ok girl..spill the beans..
what was it about Marmie dearest that bonded you to her like so~
Give me all the pointers you can sweet cheeks , im all ears~ this momma over here needs all the guidance in the world~..My 'mother' checked out of mothering when i was 3 and every miserable attempt made by other women only deepened the wound...
Reading how incredible your mom is spur's me on ..I need to believe that God can/will make me into the kind of Momma He is pleased with and one that my daughters will rise and call blessed~

Kevin and Amy said...

Sweet Angelica.....
I am SURE that it is everything that you are already doing...nothing overly profound really, just the simple little things of day to day life. She was available. She always had time for us. She prayed with us. She prayed FOR us. She got nosy when she needed to be, and she INGRAINED in our heads and our hearts the importance and beauty of purity and praying for our future mates and the fact that saving ourselves for marriage was a great gift to give one day. But, she also was SO quick to forgive our mistakes, so eager to walk alongside life with us through the difficulties, so wanting to understand our struggles and our weaknesses and to help us as much as she could. And she had some dear friends who were prayer warriers as well -- praying us through our teen and college years. So, yeah....That's her. Available. Consistent. Prayerful. Forgiving. Nosy. And I guess another really big deal for me is that I always knew how much she loved being a Mama. She's always said it was her greatest joy. We knew we were loved and WANTED. No matter WHAT. I think, by God's grace, we can do that for our babies..... I KNOW you are a good Mama - because you are honest and real and vulnerable. That's what matters. And you LOVE your man. And that gives your babies such amazing security.....

I LOVE you, friend!

Kevin and Amy said...

Might I ALSO state that she was NOT perfect...nor did she ever claim to be...which is what I have always loved and admired. She has always been the first to apologize to us if she was in the wrong...event though she was the Mama. I respect that and want to do the same. Kill the pride and go to my boys with an apology when I railroad them...just because I think I can. She always showed us respect and she always admitted when she was wrong. Still does.

Rachael said...

Now this. THIS is the kind of legacy as a mom that I so desire to leave behind.
"And her children shall rise up and call her blessed..." Momma Q...I hope you read this soon and KNOW you are a blessed woman indeed! Thanks for your sweet tribute, Amy...a good reminder of keeping the end goal in sight!!
P.S. I'm ALMOST desperately ready for a play date! My girls are long over-ready! :-)

Angelica said...

Thank you beautiful friend~~It inspires!

Such incredible qualities I long to emulate~