I Said I'd Never...

Once upon a time, a long time ago, I said I wasn't going to have kids.
I said I didn't like them, and they always cried when I held them. I was super uncomfortable around them. They made me wicked nervous. And if I was ever given the choice between holding a kitten or a baby, hands down I would without fail always, always, always choose the kitten. But then I had one...and two more after that. And I actually, really kind of like them. So, then I said: "Well, if I ever DO have children, then I will never EVER homeschool them." "Homeschoolers are whack jobs," said I, "and it will never EVER happen."
But, then somehow, that happened too, and for at least this chapter of our story, I actually kind of like it. And then one time I said, I will never get my kids any of "those big, ugly plastic toys that just clutter up the frontyard." And guess what Ransom got for his birthday last year? Guess who picked it out?
I also said because my childhood was so traumatized by garden weeding scars (just joking, Ma) that I would die before I ever actually chose to plant a garden of my own...and voluntarily weed it no less. Here's to year #3...
I said my kids would only play with one toy at a time before putting it neatly and perfectly away - back in its exact location - before getting out another toy to play with. And all of their toys would preferably be hand-made and wooden. But then I had a Jesse. And creativity flourishes best in mixing and matching...and messing. And when a trashed room equals two hours of quiet, I'm cool with the trade off. So there you have it.
I said my kids would eat their snacks only at the table. But then friends come over, and it's more fun to have picnics on the floor, and I'm learning not to be so uptight. So, there you have it. Food on the floor. It happens.
I said I'd never wear fake fur...and I made fun of the people who did. But then my friend bought me this crazy gift that I really love and actually stay warm in. So there you have it. I now wear fur...with only the tiniest bit of laughing when I wear the hood...
I said my children would never wear light up shoes. But then Grammy found these at our local transfer station, and Ransom thinks they're the rockinest things in the world. So there you have it. The shoes shall stay.
I said I'd never wear nylons again after Bible School. I did twice. I said my kids would never own video games. Kaden earned a DS. I said I'd never buy a bed on a yardsale. Our $20 mattress is so cozy. I said I'd never feed my kids hotdogs. I said I'd never eat calamari. I said my children would eat their meals with proper decorum and manners - they would NOT be hooligans. (So, I made this mealtime reminder of all the things we struggle with. Then Kevin said he didn't want a Natzi wife. So, I took the sign back down again...We're back to being hooligans).
And I said I was giving up coffee.
Moral of this here story? Don't listen to a word that I say... This girl needs her coffee.


Anonymous said...

Amy, This is one of the coolest blogs ever!! What you say is so true! We too often have to eat our words and swallow our pride. Thanks for sharing. I love that your life is busy and messy and crazy...because I also know that it is full of awesome life lessons, grace, mercy and love. Rock on Amy girl!
Love you loads, Brenda M.

Anonymous said...

Oh my...I was just about to write a comment, but I see Brenda wrote exactly what I wanted to say (only she said it better). I love all your blgos, but this one rings so true with all of us!

Debby B.

Angelica said...

you are not the only one indeed~..Ive plowed through many of my "I never's"... ** hangs head in shame..**
lesson here.. never say never..
( I hear a Biebs song coming on~)
Now I say, Qu'est sera sera!!!

When are you gonna take a homeschooling field trip up to Ontario?Let me make you a mean cup of French Canadian joe~

renblogger said...

Not the only one though, I long ago stopped listing to my never list ;)

Jessica said...

Nope you aren't the only one to say never. :)

Anonymous said...

Well, you know you can believe me because, on my ninth birthday, I said I would never get married. I am still glad I made that decision and stuck to it. :-)

Shannon said...

Ame, you gave me such a great laugh on my break at work. Gee, wonder who would get you fur?? ha ha. I'm not next, Rachey. :) xoxo

LaurelM said...

i said i'd never say, 'screw it, do whatever you want' in front of my children and i never have. but that is mostly because they see it in my eyes. my weepy, exhausted eyes...

Anonymous said...

Amy- Your blogs are so well written and wonderfully encouraging! It's so good to hear other moms who deal with some of the same things in life! I actually love your sign though I'm not sure how it would help! Shannon is right, Rach must have bought you that coat! Reminds me of many of her pics! :) I was the same way, but when I found a simple one with it I loved it! Coffee is essential isn't it? At least when I'm no longer nursing. A little now! :) Looking at homeschooling Elijah and Nate next year.(2nd and K) Looking at the state paid chartered homeschooling and five in a row. Did Rach take all your pics? Beautiful! Loves Yolanda

Kevin and Amy said...

Right on the fur call, girls. It was Rachael - ALL Rachael. And Kevin DIES laughing whenever I wear the hood. I took these pics, but she does take quite a few of them when she comes over. Yessss, and this post was just the TIP of the iceberg.....
~ Amy

Esther said...

Yes, I do think of you often when I start to say "I'll never homeschool..." haha! It's true - we never really do know what our future holds. It's fun to find out the things that we never thought we COULD do but really can. ; )