Country Fun.

Or, a better working title might be: "You Might be a Redneck If..." Yes. Let's go with that one, shall we?
You might be a redneck if your lawn decor involves old farm equipment...and you think it looks darling.
You might be a redneck if your version of a fun, easy supper involves a fire in your driveway and hotdogs.
You might be a redneck if your son's "Sunday best" begins to start looking like this...
You might be a redneck if your eldest is starting to acquire quite the amount of notches in his belt for the number of squirrels shot...and many through the living room window.
You might be a redneck if this is the site of a major four-wheeler dump that you took when you were eight months pregnant...with your two-year old toddler on front with you....and rather than rushing to your rescue, your father videotaped the entire escapade with his camera.
You might be a redneck if the very best of naps are taken on a wagon pulled behind the four-wheeler....looking every bit as much like the Beverly Hillbillies as the originals once did.
You might be a redneck if your idea of pretty climbing flowers for your front yard decor involves transplanting some fiddleheads from out back. And hey - if you get hungry, you've got yourself a two-fer-one right thar. Pretty AND edible.
You might be a redneck if when you sit on your lawnchairs in the middle of your driveway and you look at the corn field across the road from can't help but think that's just a little slice of Heaven.
You might be a redneck if you own your very own porta-potty, right in your very own backyard! Again...HIGHLY versatile! Country charm right up there with usability.... I guess I'll just stop right here on that one....
You might be a redneck if your cousins are also your best friends and considered to be another sibling.
You might be a redneck if your idea of a hot HOT date looks like this. OH Baby.
You might be a redneck if your hotdate clothing ensemble looks like this. We are STYLIN'!
You might be a redneck if your fancy appetizers on said hot date look like THIS...canned oysters, sharp cheese, and crackers.
And you might be a redneck if your idea of a "night away" is your very own little cabin situated right on your very own little front lawn... Hi. My name is Amy. And I'm a redneck. Freely, fully, and oh so proudly waving my freak flag high...


LaurelM said...

yes. yes, you are.

Chantelle said...

Perhaps some kind of warning in the title for rodent loving readers? :`(

Otherwise I'm glad you red necks are having fun. :)

rachael a said...

you might be a red neck if :
your third hot date since your baby was born . . was so to go shooting a sled full of big guns at paper plates and homemade explosives out in the middle of no where. :)

. . that porta potty is . . hilarious.

red necks together! red necks forever!

Kristi said...

love it. you are sooooo a red-neck, girly...i love ya. i love your hilarious life. and i cannot WAIT TO SEE YOU!! we're coming next month -- can we PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE see you?! i'll call ya.

Rachael said...

Oh, definitely waving my freak flag high over here!!! Red neck indeed! SWEET vacation pics! And I laughed As equally hard at Chantelle's comment! So true...that little squirrel looked so very sad! You just may be getting a call from PETA soon, girly. So brave to post that. :-) I wont show Kaytlin that one...she may renig on her forthcoming marriage to your eldest if she knew he was a rodent murderer.

Rachael said...

P.S. My last sentence got me to you realize you now need to have a couple of girls to match up with my newly acquired boys? Can I put my order in now? Twin girls, please? And sooner rather than later? Get 'er done.