
Kaden Q. Book-A-Roo.
My firstborn. Eight years ago today, you birthed me into Motherhood, and how my heart is so very full of you, Love. My sweet, shy, funny, perceptive, precious little boy who is so much like his Daddy...I love you so. Thank you for giving me the gift of motherhood, Kaden. Thank you for teaching me so much about myself. Thank you for your grace, your love, your sweet gentle spirit, your honest answers, your friendship with your brothers, and your tender love for Jesus. It has been my joy to watch you grow. I love your love for the outside and your crazy love for all things creepy crawly. I love that you love to hunt and fish and play Cribbage. And I love that you love to be with your family. You are a peacemaker, Kaden - and a wonderful big brother. I love your sensitive spirit and your tenderness for those smaller than you. I pray that will never change. Grow in grace and truth, my love. I pray that you'll always have the heart of reconciliation that you do today. I pray that your heart will always remain tender to the things of life and that your love for Jesus and His Word will grow in leaps and bounds. I pray that you will stay pure in body, mind, and spirit - and I pray that God will continue to mold you into the young man and eventually the Godly husband and father that He wants you to become. Stand strong, Love. Stay pure. Love deeply. Stay tender. Don't settle for what everyone else is doing. Humility, vulnerability, and gentleness are signs of strength... Watch your Daddy. And fall in love with your Heavenly One. Happy Birthday, My Kaden - my "Gentle One." You are the BEST!!!
2966. Eight years of life to celebrate today! 2967. The gift of motherhood and lessons learning. 2968. Sweet big brother, two pairs of younger eyes watching. 2969. A tender heart and a gentle spirit. 2970. Gentle honesty. 2971. A heart to please, and prayers that it will seek to please Christ alone. 2972. Best friendships with younger siblings. 2973. Contagious laughter. 2974. Reflections of Kev. 2975. Much grace with his Mama. 2976. Tenderness. Meekness. Sensitivity. 2977. A silly sense of humor. 2978. Eight years of motherhood.


Chantelle said...

Happy Birthday to your gentle-boy. He is, indeed, a treasure.

Kristi said...

what a sweet post...i can't believe he's 8!!! oh my word, Happy Birthday, Kaden!!! i hope you have a wonderful celebrating!

Esther Littlefield said...

When I saw the title of your post, I thought, "this is not possible". It's not possible that the first of my dear friends to buy a house, have a baby... is now the mother of a 8 year old. It is just not possible. But it is. Congrats to you, on surviving : ) And happy birthday to sweet, shy Kaden!