To My Dad...


They say I'm the most like you.

Funny - because I'm the only girl.
Even funnier - because you're almost always the quiet one of the bunch.
And I'm, well... NOT.

But, I take it as a compliment; and I'm always pleased to hear it.

I know that I tell you often, but I think it bears repeating. You are the first man I ever loved. (Obviously). But, you showed me - by your life and example the kind of man that I wanted for a husband and the kind of Daddy that I wanted for my boys.

They say a father's involvement in his daughter's life is one of the single greatest contributing factors in her view of men and relationships.

You did a great job, Dad.
And you gave me a great childhood.

:: You taught me Hunter's Safety and how to shoot a gun.

:: You taught me to drive stick shift - and you didn't freak out when I scratched up your new paint job on our very first lesson.

:: You taught me to make camp coffee by throwing a handful of granules into a pot of boiling water and then quickly adding cold water to settle the grains to the bottom. I still think that's one of the coolest things ever.

:: You taught me how to build a fire in my hand - verbally. We'll have a real lesson when I come up next.

:: You taught me flower and plant species, what is edible and what isn't, and how to make a one match fire.

:: You also taught me the value of hard work and how it does no good to complain.

:: You taught me that it's okay to step out of the box.

:: And it's really healthy to laugh at myself. Far better me first with everyone following than the other way around!

:: You've taught me faithfulness and committment to work and family - and that family is true ministry.

:: You've applauded my successes and put my failures into perspective.

:: And you taught me not to complicate life and not to worry about what everyone else is doing or saying.

Thanks for being you, Dad.
Thanks for a rockin' childhood.
Thanks for being a great Father - and an amazing, incredibly involved Grampy.

Thanks for the week my boys just had with you - and for the memories that you and Mom have given them for a lifetime.

Thanks for the campouts in the cabin, the pit fires and hotdogs, and the fishing in the pond. Thanks for letting them kill your lawn with the 4-wheeler and for letting them eat all of your groceries. Thanks for living life with them for a few days, for your grace and humor, and for your unconditional love.

Thanks for investing, Dad.
When my boys are with you and Mom, happiness is a way of LIFE.

Days later, they are still talking about the fishing and 4-wheeling, the brownies you made in the cardboard box, your nicknames for them - "Moose" and "Spike" - (What?!), the bb gun contests, and all of the outside play.

Thanks for re-creating my childhood with them.

If I don't tell you enough - thanks for all that you do.
Thanks for being so involved in my little boys lives.
Thanks for being you.
I love you, Dad. You rock.

1591. My father, my friend.
1592. Perfect balance of simplicity and depth.
1593. Perspective brought to all situations.
1594. Strong man, gentle heart.
1595. Deep convictions, deep committment.
1596. Many hats, many needs, no complaints.
1597. Faithful love for one woman since childhood.
1598. Godly example for three little boys.

1 comment:

Rachael said...

Sniff, sniff....sooooo sweet! What a fantastic legacy...