
Did you know that Hitler once said: "Give me a child until he's seven, and he'll be mine forever?" Crazy.

Studies show that by the age of seven, our children have been molded into the people that they're - pretty much - going to be. Obviously there's some big time maturing and character development that will take place all throughout the years, but by this age - so say "the studies" - the major foundation of their entire lives has already been established.

Now, obviously these studies don't take into account the transformational power of Christ and the work that He does in individuals' lives to mold them into the people that HE wants them to become. But - all of that set aside - if these statistics have any merit or any weight AT ALL......MISTER MAN! That's absolutely nuts to think about.

A fellow teacher at my little school that I work at were talking about this stuff this morning. Her kids are about ready to graduate highschool, so she's viewing parenting and LIFE from the other end of the spectrum. I'm just barely starting out on this journey - Kaden is just NOW ready for school, and here she is wrapping up the school years. I'm finding that I'm constantly searching out mothers who are "on the other side" - trying to glean from them. Wanting to find out mistakes they've made, lessons they've learned, things they feel they've done well, things they wish they could do over, what they wish they could re-live, what they'll miss the most....

Because this season is FLEETING. It'll be gone in the blink of an eye. I always talk about savoring, because I know I need to do a better job at it. I'm so task oriented. I like to conquer my days. But, I so want to just SAVOR my kids. Heavens - Kaden is already six years old. When I look at Ransom, I can hardly even remember Kaden being that tiny!

Just thoughts rolling around in my noggin. One of MANY reasons why I'm so seriously contemplating homeschooling, I guess. In some ways, it cracks me up, because I never in a MILLION years would ever have dreamed about even CONSIDERING the idea. Yet, here I am. God knows what's best for my kids and for my family, so I rest and I trust.

Meanwhile, I process and I gather info, and I glean wisdom, and I stress a little, and I give it back to Him, and then I'll some days take it back FROM Him, and we continue to walk this journey of life together, He and I.

1 comment:

Rachael said...

Good, good stuff...