Busy Bees

Holy Heavens!

It's been a busy Memorial Week-end....one normally spent canoeing the rapids with my family up in the County....but not this year. So much to do in so little time. Six years ago, on this very week-end - one of my most fave holidays, by the way - I was told that I would indeed NOT be canoeing with my oh so prego belly. I would, rather, be getting induced because my body was starting to freak out. I believe my words were: "Can't you do it on Monday? I am supposed to go on a canoe trip with my family today!" My doctor informed me that she had never heard anyone respond in such a way as this - especially with their first baby! I was not impressed with the whole induction idea, let me tell you.

But... my boy - was he ever worth it - induction and all. By far, my most horrid labor experience, but I would do it over a million times again for him. He rocks.

Anyway, I digress....

Busyness is what I'm supposed to be typing about! Two birthdays to organize, a 4 day camping trip to celebrate, a day of work thrown in there, a ginormous garden to plant, a SWINGSET/JUNGLE GYM birthday gift to set up, and a chicken coop to finish have been the doings here as of late.

With the help of my little old man neighbor, Lou, we spent 8 hours in the garden yesterday, putting the ENTIRE thing in! Amidst lots of mocking of my plant choices, lots of giggling -on his part - at the sad state of affairs of most of my seedlings, a broken back from wearing Ransom in the backpack, and lots of "help" from the boys - not to mention MANY a deep, cleansing breath on my part while they worked alongside me, we got 'er done! I may have gone a little crazy with my tomato plants - somehow there are 18 of them down there. But, I'm excited.

The chickies love their coop.
I have done nothing to prepare for camping.
The swingset is going on two days of assembling, but she's almost done.
Pictures will be coming forthwith.
Kaden is SIX! Jesse will be three on FRIDAY! HOLY HEAVENS!

It's a good life. We are blessed.


Rachael said...

LOVE this time of year and the busyness that goes along with it...hooray for the garden! (Grow veggies, grow!) 18 tomato plants! Holy moly!!! Hope you enjoy canning...or have the boys host a veggie stand! :o) Anxious to see all the progress...

ange said...

amy! so super exciting!!..ok,,im a fan already,,~love your writtings!! i had to stop myself from going all the way back in time!! oh my goodness!! i really should go tend to my starving children!!..
anyhow, thanks for finding our little ramblings,, Im sure glad i read over yours!! ox

Kristi said...

oh, my word, you're hilarious...i wish i could WATCH your life instead of just read about it! 18 tomato plants...i'm impressed...my little seedlings are still struggling to grow INSIDE...geesh -- i will be happy if i get 3 tomatoes...we planted a garden, too -- our first -- we'll see how it all pans out!! Miss you...we should chat soon - its been awhile (again!) -- have a great weekend! Happy Birthday to your sweet boys!