Brotherly Love

My littlest is napping and the two biggies are running around in their undies setting traps in their room for "the bad guys." I should be taking advantage of this uninterrupted happiness to do something a little more productive than this, but I just wanted to share one quick story of what happend while we were away....not a story of OUR adventures....but of something that happened with Kaden and Jesse while they were up at Mom & Dad's.

We're never been away from them for more than a handful of days, and all the time leading up this decision - really right up until the last minute - we waffled back and forth as to whether or not we should do this? How long is too long? How often should we play this game? and on and on we went. In the end, we talked to a lot of people older and wiser than us, we prayed a lot, we scrambled and FINALLY got our will together, and we handed them over to Mom & Dad. Mind you - the boys weren't worried about this plan AT ALL - in fact, right as we were getting ready to head home, Kaden asked Mom to ask ME if they could stay a few more days! THEY thought that the plan was pretty rockin.'


One night, Mom, Dad, Kaden, & Jesse were all having a camp out of sorts in Grampy's cabin. Dad had fallen asleep and Mom was just drifting off when she heard the boys talking to each other in their bed. She said that she could really feel a sense of urgency in Kaden's voice so she started to pay more attention to what he was saying. As she listened in, she said that Kaden was totally witnessing to Jesse! He was telling him that he was going to go to Heaven when he dies and that he's asked Jesus to forgive him from his sins etc. etc. and that Jesse needs to do it too! So Jesse said: "I want to do that too, Kaden! I want to do it right now!" So, anyway - long story short, Mom got up and talked with both of them and Jesse prayed with Mom and Kaden and asked Jesus into his life! How sweet is that? And how special that Kaden played a pretty pivotal role in leading his own brother to Christ.

And such an awesome gift from the Lord to me - proving, once again - that He is the one who ultimately takes care of my kids whether I am with them or away.


Rachael said...

Wow. Simply wow. How absolutely adorable is that. Faith of a child...what a sweet little evangelist you have there! I'm definitely claiming him as a son-in-law...unless, of course, he plans on taking one of my girls to Africa. Totally kidding on that one. Sort of. No, really...just kidding. I think. :o)r

Chantelle said...


Kelsey B. said...

That's an awesome story! :-)

Kristi said...

awwwwww...that is soo awesome, Amy...what a special story...your mom must have been beside herself! i cannot WAIT to see you guys...what adorable little boys you have. you must be so proud.