An awfully nice place to be.

We just got back from Pennsylvania after taking a grad class for ten days of training. Ransom came with us, but the older boys stayed with Grampy and Grammy Quint. That was the longest we've ever been away from them, and it is SO nice to be back together again.

The classes were amazing - too much to even wrap my brain around right now. I typed 100 pages by the end of the week - single spaced - if that tells you anything! Crazy good.

And now I'm home to a garden gone gangbusters; chickens, ducks, and a turkey that look like they've been on steroids - they've grown so much since we've been away; strawberry season in full swing, and I'm desperate to pick and make some jam......and there's just not enough days in the week to do all that I want to do! It's shaping up to be a nuts-o summer.

But, for now I am just savoring being home - chaos and all - and it is wonderful.

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