A Young Mother's Tea

I'm not really sure who even reads this blog....or who checks out my facebook page. BUT - just in case there might be someone who hasn't heard of this fun little event taking place on Wednesday morning, this post is for you!

A friend and I are hosting a wee get together for any young mom in the area - or out of the area, for that matter. Any mother who has young children is welcome to attend. We want you to come and just take a break with us and enjoy sweet fellowship and fun food with other moms. You spend all day every day serving the ones that you love most. Now is your chance to come and be served by US!!

Normally, I am ALL about bringing your kids with you - it's easier, it's more cost effective, AND it's a fun chance for them to all play together anyway. But for this one event, we are asking that you find someone to care for your children for those two hours - and we promise (we pray!) that it will be worth it!

We have a really fun atmosphere donated to us for the occasion, we'll be serving coffee and tea out of beautiful teacups and saucers, we'll have tons of fun finger foods, random prizes given away, and a "seasoned veteran mom" will share some encouragement and truth with us that what we are doing is important!!!

Mothering matters. It is the highest of callings - and it is so easy to forget and be discouraged amidst the season of diapers and sibling fights and the mundane same old same old. The entire goal of this little get together will be for moms to leave with their tanks completely filled up - physically, emotionally, and most importantly spiritually. II Timothy talks about the older women teaching the younger women. Maybe older moms feel that they have nothing of importance to share. Maybe some of us come across acting like we have all of the answers. Either way, God tells us that we need each other, and we don't do it enough. I think this will be a pretty fun way to live out some practical Scripture.

So if you can come and bring a friend - it'll be awesome! If you can't come, please pray for us. Pray that women are blessed, that some unsaved Mommies come and are exposed to the Lord and to a whole new community of women, and that, above all, Christ is honored and lifted up during these two hours.

Here are the stats:

When: Wednesday, March 25 - as in TWO DAYS!
Where: The Light House Christian Cafe - 453 Wilson St., Brewer
(Attached to Vacationland Village Inn)
Time: 9:00-11:00

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish I could come!! :) I tried calling yesterday, Ame (as I said I would!) - you give me a call when you get the chance - I'd love to chat! Love ya -- have fun with all those mama's!