Been Awhile...

Nothing overly exciting to post...just that I'm not dead.

My "devotional/sermon" is due to be videotaped this week and I'm feeling a little pressure. Not too bad - I've done all of the inductive study etc., now I just need to put it together, make it catchy and contemporary, and invite some friends over to pick it apart....I mean "critique" it for me. :0) Then, next Tuesday, I have to present it to my entire class.....of which there are at least 6 pastors, who do this for a living, might I add. Joy.

So, here is the decided upon topic. I'm going to teach from Titus 2:1-5. My audience will be women my age - at my stage of life, specifically - young wives and moms (or soon to be moms!) And, I'm going to come at it from a feminist/women's lib approach - a TRUE women's liberation approach, and a TRUE feminist approach the way that God originally designed our roles to be. From these verses, I'm going to teach a little bit about discipleship (how the older are to teach the younger) and what exactly we are supposed to be examples in: being lovers of our husbands, lovers of our children, and lovers of our homes. We're supposed to have catchy outlines....I'm not a catchy person, so this has been stressing me a little.

So far, here are my points: On Becoming.......(1) Lovers of Husbands - living purposefully in our submission; (2) Lovers of our Heirs (I needed an "h" that represented our kids!) - living purposefully in our selflessness; and (3) Lovers of our Homes - living purposefully in our servanthood. Or maybe instead of the three "s" words, I could do: godliness, guidance, and grace. Good grief - I don't know. Catchy phrases kind of irritate me! Anyway, those ARE the three things that I am going to be talking about.....all areas that I am constantly needing to grow and become more godly and gracious in!

Anyway, that's what's been consuming my life this week. AND the fact that one of my 14 friends who are pregnant just had her baby yesterday!!!!! So much fun!....AND the fact that I am possibly going to start babysitting two 15 month old twins. Let me tell you how thrilled I am about that possibility........


Anonymous said...

Wow, Ame...sounds good...wish I could be there to hear your sermon...I mean...lesson...!! I could probably use some reminding on some of these things!!! I'm sure you'll do a great job -- I've always thought you were a great public speaker...just be yourself, you'll do awesome!! Remember when Mr. Sealy had, like, 30 things all starting with the letter "P" in Old Testament class?! (too bad I don't even remember what they were for...all that effort he put in to start them all with the same letter!)...Gracious...have fun, Ame...I also am looking forward to your book...make sure you get some extra copies...I'd love to read it!!

Much love to you, my friend....hope you're having a good day!!!

15-month old, you are ambitious, girl!!

Esther said...

I know you'll do great Amy! Keep up the hard work... hope to talk with you sometime when you're less busy!