It Has Begun!

Kev decided to skip class this morning and just be home with us for a bit as life has been crazy lately. When he heard Kaden talking in his bed, he offered to let me sleep in for as long as I wanted. What a nice gift, right? To be able to sleep in for AS LONG AS I WANTED? Well, could Amy's little mind relax enough to slip back into La La Land?

Oh no - all I could think about was what needs to get done before baby #2 comes. It's like I realized all of a sudden that I only have a little over three months to get this HUGE list of things done that I want to accomplish.

So, instead of laying there and stressing, I got up and have begun my little list of goals that I have to accomplish within these next 3 1/2 months. Here goes:

* I would really like to get Kaden's album caught up. I am 10 months behind. Our family album will just have to wait. That is non-existent at this point.

* I would like to start my baby album, and be caught up with doctor's visits, pregnant pictures, and my church shower, so that I can be ready to just start putting pics in as soon as the baby is born.

* I need to finish my book one month ahead of schedule as the presentation date is June 6th and I am due June 10th. It at least needs to be ready to go by mid-May in case the baby comes early. I'd like to hop into another class and just present it to them so that it can be done!

* I need to either take or CLEP out of 6 more Gen Ed credits. That really needs to be done the month of March. PBU really wants me to take a counseling course in July, but that may be too much with a newborn - even if it would only be for 5 nights. Sooo, if I could just get it done now, it would be done.

* I would like to take some Bradley Birthing classes, as we are going the Birthing Center route this time, but that is 12 weeks of needing a babysitter and a 12 week commitment of being out an extra night. Is it worth it? I don't know yet.

* And then just the regular stuff of getting extra organized, culling what isn't needed, figuring what I need for baby things, and figuring out where exactly we're going to put this newcomer once he or she arrives!

So, there you have it. Today, I'm going to research courses that I can possibly CLEP out of at the local community college, and I'm going to try to do at least a few pages in Kaden's album each week and just putter away. After that, I'm going to buy another Power Sorts Box and just really organize and label all of my pics for when I am able to get to them.

I'm off.....Did you call it "Build Rome in a Day," Shannon? That's me, least in my mind!


Anonymous said...

You go girl! Hope you get lots done. Whenever someone starts talking about getting lots done it makes me want to run out and buy a bunch of Rubbermaid. :) Love it, I'm off to get lots done too now that school is over for the day.

grace said...

Hi Amy, I am one of Angie Stanley's friends from Milton...I followed your link on her blog...I hope you don't mind but I have heard great things about you...anyways I noticed that you are expecting CONGRATS! AND that you are considering the Bradley method...I HIGHLY recommend it! It is completely worth it. It helped me survive a 42 hour labour process and my sister in law has had 2 wonderful labours using it too! We did not have the classes in our area so we couldn't take them (I wish we had) but my husband and I read Bradley's 2 most popular books (Husband Coached Childbirth and The Bradley Method). We love it because it really makes the birthing process an intimate event between hubby and wife and its gentle and just all over relaxing...anyways check out my blog or email me if you have any other questions

Life With My Joys..... said...

Hi Grace!
I used those two books for my first - before I even knew there was such a thing as Bradley classes! I would just like to sit in on some actual classes, you know? I feel like I'd learn so much more....AND I'm thinking about maybe becoming a Bradley instructor when we move back home. One of the requirements is to have sat in on some classes, so I'd like to do it for that reason, as well. Nice to meet you! A friend of Ang's is a friend of mine! :0)