New Mercies.

It's 5:00a.m. and we've been up since 4:00, she and I.

Crying three times in the night with one of her big brothers up with a scary dream to make it an even four, and this Mama's running on empty before the day is even started.

The week looms large with all things that are "life":  the laundry, the schooling, the work shifts, the meals to be made, the bellies to be filled, and the perpetual ordering and reordering life back from the chaos that it can so quickly spiral into with these days full of babies and boys.

Sometimes it makes a Mama overwhelmed.
And sometimes it feels a little daunting.
Sometimes it's hard to get out of the way of myself when the day starts off badly before the sun is even up.

When the day needs to be redeemed before my feet even hit the ground...

But, isn't it true that "all wonder and worship can only grow out of smallness?"  ~ {Ann Voskamp}
Well, I'm already feeling small this that's a start.

And isn't it also true that since "God created the world out of nothing... as long as we are nothing, He can make something out of us..." ~ {Martin Luther} 

Well, that sounds good to me, too.
Because today I feel tired, and proud, and weary...and grumpy.
So, I'm thinking today is a perfect day for me to that He might increase.

Today I remember I'm dust.

"O Lord, I cry out to you for help, and in the morning, my prayer comes before you." ~ Psalm 88:13.  I think some of these words were written specifically with all the young Mama's in mind.  But, His mercies are new every morning, and that's when He works best through His kids.  He does His best work through us when we know that we can't do it on our own.

His strength is perfected only in our own weaknesses, anyway...

So, when London has a fragile day...
And when the two Kindergarteners are vying for position...
When Kaden has an overwhelming school day...
And when the two littlest have a battle of the wills...
When I could give a flying flip about supper plans...
And when there is only one pair of undies left in their drawers...

There's grace.
"God fills the common moments...and God holds us in the untamed moments, too." ~ One Thousand Gifts
Today, may be anything but tame...But He is here.
And He is in it.

"The evening meal was being served...He got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist.  After that, He poured water into a basin and began to wash His disciples feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around Him...When He finished washing their feet, He put on His clothes and returned to His place..."Do you understand what I have done for you?"  He asked them...  "Now that I your Lord have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet.  I have set an example that you should do as I have done for you." ~ John 13

He stooped low.
He gave His grace away.
He served perpetually.
Sounds like the definition of Motherhood.

Might I remember... "the work we do is only our love for Jesus in action." ~ Mother Teresa.
Mama Jesus love.
And when we do it unto "the least of these"....we are doing it for Him.

She snuggles down deep, our hearts beating in rhyme.
And His mercies are new every morning...

Push to Reset.

"You who seek God, let your heart revive." ~ Psalm 69:32

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful-- I remember the days of sitting on the kitchen floor crying my eyes out as I felt sorry for myself for what ever reason, then the pitterpatter of little feet and I was so over come by love. Being a mama is full of so many emotions. You capture them all with your wonderful blog.