The Day My House Was Perfect.

The day my house was perfect
Was the day I hurried so.
I pushed, and rushed, and never touched -
My favorite word was, "No."

The day my house was perfect
Was the day their hearts were hurt.
I was simply far more worried
about laundry, floors, and dirt.

Well, haste makes waste, and rushing wounds -
And little hearts bleed raw.
Oh, how I wish this Mother's heart
Had felt what Jesus saw.

For the day my house was perfect
This Mama was a mess.
My focus was the here and now -
This fleeting nothing-ness.

But children love like Jesus -
Forgiving swift and pure.
And today my house is messy -
No perfection here, for sure.

Those tender hearts - these fleeting years,
Will one day pass away.
And I will see my perfect house -
And long for yesterday.

The days gone by of childish dreams -
Of "Mommy, come with me!"
So, today, I choose to fully see -
To slow, and simply "be."

To my Loves ~
Mama's sorry for the rushing days - the striving for perfection days.
Thank you for helping me to slow and see...


Angie said...

love this. xoxo oh, and i blogged. :) and it's a long, doozy. don't even know if it makes sense, but it's a blog. xoxo

rachael a said...

ames that's beautiful.
that should be published . :)