A Little Slice...

.....of Heaven, that is.


is where we just spent the past 8 days for our family vacation! A little A-frame cabin on an island in Rangeley...you get there by boat....there is no electricity.....no computers....no frills....just us.....AND IT WAS AWESOME!

Kev and I spent half of our honeymoon here eleven years ago to the week! We spent our first week in Cancun, Mexico with all of the touristy stuff that comes with a place like that: parasailing, all inclusive meals, snorkeling, etc. It was wonderful. And then we came here for our second week. And I have to say, I enjoyed the second part of our honeymoon just as much as the first. Two such extreme contrasts, but I think one without the other might have been a little disappointing. Here, it was just so restful and relaxing. We spent our days swimming and boating, going into town for ice cream, exploring all over the lake, building fires, and playing games by lamplight; and then we would fall asleep to the sounds of the loons and the waves. It was so peaceful and lovely.

WELL - coming here with three boys, it was not NEARLY as relaxing and restful as it was eleven years ago! One morning Kev said: "I think a quiet, get-away, island retreat with three boys is an oxymoron!" So true! We are not quite in the stage of life yet where vacations are "restful" or "relaxing" per say. Our days were just as crazy and busy - and sometimes more - making sure no one fell off the wharf or tipped the canoe etc. etc. But, they were so fun! And any kind of "work" is always more fun when you're camping - cooking, dishes, cleaning - whatever - it's all just fun!

We spent our days swimming and playing in the water, exploring the neighboring islands, catching a kajillion crayfish and minnows, going to the bog and looking for moose, riding into town for a pizza and ice cream, feeding ducks, playing games, building fires, watching sunsets, and falling asleep to rain and waves.

There was a whole lot of this:

and this:
(canoeing with our "Red-neck outrigger" custom made by Kevy himself)

and this:

Oooooh, and this:

AAAAAhhhhhhh....it was glorious!


Rachael said...

Aaahhhh...sweet serenity! Glad you enjoyed your vacation...I'm sure it was nice to get away as a family. I CANNOT wait for our turn next week!! I'm sure my post will sound very much the same! :o)
(P.S. Did ya leave us a secret message anywhere?!)

Kristi said...

Wow -- this place looks awesome!! What a fun place for little boys! Life is not RELAXING in the same way as it was for your honeymoon, i'm sure -- but what special memories!! I'm so happy you posted some pictures!!!!!

Chantelle said...

That sunset is riDUNKulous! GORGEOUS!!