Shoot Me Now

Up until last year, I have never in my life experienced the glorious pleasure and joy of that lovely little plant called poison ivy. From the time I've known him, Kev has gotten some pretty bad cases almost every year, but either I never walked through the stuff before or I had an immunity to it.

Until last summer. Behold my legs. And this is just part of the joy before it got really bad.

Somehow, I was the only one of the four of us to encounter the POISON, and the blasted stuff ended up getting into my bloodstream and coming out all over my body. I was still nursing Jesse at the time, but finally had to wean him in order to have the strongest prescription to get rid of the stuff.

I would rather give birth a thousand times over than go through that again.

Anyhoo......just a couple of days ago, we went down to the Hampden Marina to get an icecream and watch the boats. Kev suggested walking through this little path in the woods that he used to explore as a kid. Jesse got tired partway through and Kev and Kaden were way up ahead, so I hoisted him up onto my shoulders for the rest of the jaunt. I never do that. I always ride him on my hip - where there is clothing. There was no clothing around my neck. And apparently he had been traipsing through some poison ivy, the little dear. And apparently, the oils from his jeans rubbed all over my neck, and yup - I now have poison ivy all over my neck and on my left shoulder.

And it's spreading. Praise Him.

I am this close to becoming that girly girl that I always tease about and from now on will seriously contemplate staying home to knit or paint my nails and drink tea. Or do whatever every other mother who doesn't feel like going on woodsy adventures does.

Lord have mercy on my soul.


Chantelle said...

Oh no!! You poor thing! I'm so sorry!! Want to come over for tea and knitting? ;)


Kristi said...

Oh, Amy...........I'm so sorry...oh dear - and here you are, pregnant - is there any meds you can take?! Oh - I hope you're okay......

Rachael said...

Yowsers! Ick, ughh and aaah!! Sooooo not fun. Had it last year. A friend of mine swore by jewel weed(she used it when she was pregnat and got poison ivy). She just pureed up some of the weed for me that seemed to help (and it's natural). Good luck to you, my scratchy friend!

rachael a said...

oooooohh noooooooo!! not again! oh sweets. i don't know if you ever tried baking soda. my brother josh used to get it really bad and he would cover himself in this paste of baking soda and calamine lotion.
good times.

{Life Is Good} said...

I have poison ivy right now too!! For the first time. I finally had to get a steroid shot. I'm nursing and didn't want to but it just kept going and going. So sorry. Love your blog and I'll be back!