Happy Father's Day!

A day late......

Happy Father's Day to my sweet hubby who loves and provides for his family with all that he has. How blessed are my three little boys to have a Daddy like him to look up to and model their lives after.

We kind of did little mini celebrations this week. The kids made him a really big banner, we made him a fun supper one night, and on Saturday we went down to Cabella's - where else? - and ate out at Macaroni Grill. Good times!

On Sunday - the true and actual Father's Day - I confess.....I was somewhat grumpy with my poison ivy and no A.C. at church. So, Kev and the boys started on their own "manly spaghetti" Father's Day lunch when we got home while I applied my anti-itch creams and got out of my constricting Sunday clothes. After that, all was well, and we all had fun cooking together in the kitchen and having a yummy lunch together. Sorry about that, Love. Ahem.

I love you, Kevy. You are my best friend. My soulmate. The love of my life. I love walking this crazy journey of life with you. You are my perfect fit.

And to my own sweet Daddy-O -----the first man I ever loved! Thank you for being such an example to the three of us kids. Thank you for your humble, gentle strength and for giving me such a rich and wonderful childhood. Thank you for teaching me through your life, about the kind of man that I should wait for and marry one day. How I love you! Happy Father's Day!

And on somewhat of a yummy sidenote:

Ohhh sweet, squishy delish-ish-ness!

1 comment:

Chantelle said...

Happy Father's Day right back acha. I agree that Kevin ROCKS as a dad and your boys are, infact, blessed beyond description.

PS (The foot picture is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute!!!)