Breath of Fresh Air

If you have time today, this is a really great article to read for anyone who struggles with falling into the "comparison trap."

The bottom line of it all? - "Do what works best for your own family, and do what honors God."

This is a mantra I so want to live by when "sharing advice" with other moms and when looking at my own parenting methods. Mothering is the most private, most personal thing a woman does - and everyone does it differently. The bottom line is if we're all striving to seek the Lord's wisdom in it all, to honor our husbands, and to love our kids well - then it really and truly doesn't matter how, when, and what method we use to switch our babies from a bottle to a sippy cup; or how long we wait before potty training; or even if we choose to do attachment or "baby wise" parenting. I definitly have my opinions on any and all of these things - but they are only that - just MY opinions.

What's really important is this:
Am I striving to please the Lord?
Am I seeking His face in all that I do?
Am I loving and honoring my husband and going about this whole journey as a team with him?
Am I trying my best to love my kids well and striving to really know them?

If so, then it really doesn't matter what "everyone else" is doing. I eat humble pie every day these days, anyway; but it doesn't matter if I keep up with the latest trends on motherhood. It matters completely that my failure or success as a mother depends soley and utterly upon Christ. My worth as a mother is found in Him alone. It's because of Him - not me - that my boys will turn out to be godly, wise, tender, gentlemen. I can't take any credit now, and I never will be able to.

And all that other stuff..... live and let live, baby.
Live and let live.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen to that. :)