Halfway to Insanity

Well, we're at 20 weeks in this numero three pregnancy. Halfway. Hence the title. That's what Kev is starting to call it! Ha! He's probably right.....

I'm feeling good, though. Still very healthy. Bigger this pregnancy than the other two, but feeling strong. I love my midwives. I love the hospital that I'm going to deliver in. And I LOVE that we're going to find out what we're having on TUESDAY!!! Well, attempt to find out anyway.....if said baby cooperates. This will be the first pregnancy that we've ever decided to find out the sex of one of our babies. I'll let you know which way I enjoy more.

I have my names pretty solidified in my mind. Now, I must convince the hubby. That's the challenge. He's not overly set on either. But, I shall remind him after I do all of the laboring and delivering that I let him have "Jesse" last time, AND it is I that will be doing all of the laboring and delivering, after all! Just kidding. Seriously, I am. We've always said that we both will love the names that we choose......

but I really did give him Jesse....

In the past few days, we have entered a new era - one in which we lie awake in bed and formulate our game plan on how we are going to gain back control! The past couple of mornings, right out of the blue, who should stroll into our room with a "Hi, Dada! Hi, Mama!" but wee little Jesse Micah who has learned how to crawl out of his crib. Yesterday he walked in at 5:55. Fabulous.

And yesterday morning, we walked into the kitchen and discovered that he had dragged a chair over to our kitchen rack, climbed onto the top of that, and was standing on his tippy toes to reach the bananas that are about as high as the refrigerator. As he saw us enter the room, he nonchalontly held one out to us and innocently offered: "Nana?" Oh my.

So. Plans are in motion to conquer these new habits. I'll let you know how they go!

Today was glorious. We found a fun little beach about forty minutes away - right near Fort Knox - and we spent the day there playing in the water, exploring, having a picnic lunch, and getting sunburned. We topped the day off with an ice cream on the way home, hence some wound boys, therefore a no nap day, which leads to much necessary wild running outside which is okay because we're cleaning out our vehicles, which will lead to a super early bedtime, which will be glorious for Mommy and Daddy.

Aaaaaah, Summer.


Sarah said...

Oh my!...regarding the Jesse factor! Can't wait to find out what you're having!

Chantelle said...

Well, personally, I consider the fact that Jesse was up on a chair in the kitchen to be FAR less concerning than the mental confusion that caused him to mistake YOU for your mother!!


Life With My Joys..... said...

No, Chantelley -
When he said "Nana?" He was offering us one of the bananas....thinking that would appease us. Tricky devil!

Kristi said...

Haha -- I'm laughing at both you and Chantelle's comments -- 'cause at first I thought the same thing she did -- then I figured it out!!! :)

Can't wait to hear what you're having!!! I am so excited for you guys -- must chat soon - its been awhile - I'd like to catch up on your crazy life!! Maybe one morning this week?!

I love ya!! Hope you're enjoying your weekend!!

Anonymous said...

so funny. From Kaden who wouldn't get out of his "big boy bed" without permission, to Jesse! :-) I remember the time Kaden called for you, but you guys couldn't hear over the fans and he wouldn't get out of bed, he was crying when you finally heard him! And then...Jesse...I guess that wouldn't happen with him!

See ya soon! Rachel

Anonymous said...

so is it pink or blue?? Can't wait to hear!


shannon said...

Natalie says, "Jesse is strong to climb out of his bed!" :)