Crossing Over


This weekend we did the unthinkable. The thing that I said (actually, we both said) that we would never do. We crossed over into the realm of what I always said was totally uncool, and because I planned to be cool forever - this would just never do!

Well, you know - things happen.

You grow a child. Then another comes along. Then, well Heaven's to Betsy, another's on the way. And before you know it........

Not sure why the picture copied so small, but you get the picture. Yep. We crossed over into the realm of "minivan-dum." We're growing, the price was right, and man alive, we are the biggest pack-rat-inest family that I know. We practically live in our vehicle, so this was the next logical step.

Anyone want a supercool Saturn Vue? It just doesn't suit us anymore!

.......But we're still cool.


Chantelle said...

*aHEM* ...'WE' have driven a mini-van for a couple of years now. Have you been secretly considering us UN-cool???????? Well I never.

All I have to say is WooAhhhhahahahahaha. It's about time you crossed over to the dork side.

(HA! get it!? The DORK side?) HA!! I crack me up...

Sarah said...

Funny thing...I've always said no minivan...due to the uncoolness factor as well. But Jason LOVES them! He remember having them as a child and thinks they are just the most practical thing. They are QUITE handy!....What do you want for the VUE?

rachael a said...

there's no way you can be cool. . now. :)

Trish D said...

Yep, you're officially a dork ;)

(Waving from my ultra-cool station wagon)

Katie said...

Oh, I LOVE minivans! My not-so-secret-anymore desire is to have one of my own filled with kiddos and a dog! :) Now you have definitely added cool points to your score sheet! Haha, I love you!