It's been a busy few days, so this week-end was a welcome respite.
I left my mostest fave down vest and car keys at the Bar Harbor Inn where I stayed when I went scrapbooking, so on Friday, we had a really great excuse to head to the ocean again. We lounged around the house all morning and then loaded into the car around the time I hoped Jesse would konk out for a snooze. We found a new, cheap, and super cool coffee shop in Ellsworth where we split some soup and bagels for lunch - delish - and then we headed onward.
It was such a gorgeous day at the ocean - really the first that we've had since we've been home. (The week-end that I went scrapbooking was beautiful, too, but I was too focused on my work to enjoy the weather). So, we just spent the whole rest of the afternoon walking along the trails and the shoreline collecting shells, throwing rocks into the water, searching for treasures, rolling down grassy hills, and just going along at the boy's pace.
It was lovely. I love this time of year where when we play outside I'm constantly reminded to slow down and to look at the world through their eyes. Jesse wants to collect every stick. Kaden wants to turn over every rock in hopes of a worm or a bug or a salamander, and there is just absolutely no rush whatsoever.
I love that.
We spent an awesome evening with friends on Saturday night enjoying delish food, guitar playing by the guys, and a little Wall-E with the kidlets. Good times.
And today is supposed to be the Mommy's Monday that I host each week. But, just about every Mommy was away for the week-end and feeling the need to be nesting in their own homes this morning. So, we are all cozied up inside our little abode right now, too. It's 11:00 and we're ALL still in our p.j.'s...well, actually the kids are running around like hoodlums in their undies. Daddy made eggs and homefries for breakfast. And we're just chillaxing.
Plans are being made for a nature walk and some grocery getting a bit later in the day....and it's aaaaallllll good.
Happy Monday!
news, News, NEWS!!!
Wait for it.
Wait for it.

Well, now! What in the world is this?????
We are pleased and proud to announce that we have another baby on the way!!!
How far along you ask? Well, he/she is about this big:

and is due right around October 11. My very first Fall baby. Hmmm. We shall see how we do through the winter months of feeling cagey with a baby - if they are anything like my other two - who screams all the blessed day long! I am praying for a happy one. Maybe I didn't pray hard enough for the other two! :0)
More to come later on our thoughts and ponderings, the boys' reactions - Jesse screamed "HI BABY!!!" at the sonogram machine during our visit. It was pretty cute! etc., etc. For now, we just wanted to share our news with the world.
Usually I wait a little longer - until about fifteen weeks or so. I'm only about eleven and a half now. But, Kev oh so graciously asked the other day: "Soooo. How long do you think you're going to be able to hide that paunch?!" Therefore, this time, we are sharing with the world a little early....I don't really have much choice! :0)
Suffice it to say - we are excited and happy. And we are psyching ourselves up to "embrace the chaos!" This is my new theme in life!
Wait for it.

Well, now! What in the world is this?????
We are pleased and proud to announce that we have another baby on the way!!!
How far along you ask? Well, he/she is about this big:

and is due right around October 11. My very first Fall baby. Hmmm. We shall see how we do through the winter months of feeling cagey with a baby - if they are anything like my other two - who screams all the blessed day long! I am praying for a happy one. Maybe I didn't pray hard enough for the other two! :0)
More to come later on our thoughts and ponderings, the boys' reactions - Jesse screamed "HI BABY!!!" at the sonogram machine during our visit. It was pretty cute! etc., etc. For now, we just wanted to share our news with the world.
Usually I wait a little longer - until about fifteen weeks or so. I'm only about eleven and a half now. But, Kev oh so graciously asked the other day: "Soooo. How long do you think you're going to be able to hide that paunch?!" Therefore, this time, we are sharing with the world a little early....I don't really have much choice! :0)
Suffice it to say - we are excited and happy. And we are psyching ourselves up to "embrace the chaos!" This is my new theme in life!
Tea for Twenty!
We had our very first Mother's Tea this morning, and for the first time of ever having done this sort of event, I think that it was a rousing success! Twenty Mommies were able to make it, there were no major glitches, and I think that overall the goal was accomplished of having them come and be refreshed and leave with a renewed sense of purpose that we are are doing as Moms is viewed in the Lord's eyes as something that is of utmost importance.

I know of at least ten who were not able to come because of child care - or lack thereof, at least three who had to work, and a few more who had sick kidlets at home, so I think with each time, this has potential to grow bigger and better.
I'm posting just a couple of pictures, but they really don't do justice to the cozy little atmosphere that we had with china teacups and saucers, candles, and individual teapots for each table. We had delish little finger foods, we played some silly games and gave away lots of fun prizes, and a sweet older Mama shared with us from her heart and had many of us in tears. So sweet.

We've learned a few things to make it better next time, we got some good ideas from the ladies of topics they would like to have covered in the future, and we're revving up for a summer event that will most likely take place on a Saturday so that hopefully there will be some Daddies out there who will be able to cover for a couple of hours so more Mommies can make it.
.....And next time the tea will stay hot. We promise.

I know of at least ten who were not able to come because of child care - or lack thereof, at least three who had to work, and a few more who had sick kidlets at home, so I think with each time, this has potential to grow bigger and better.
I'm posting just a couple of pictures, but they really don't do justice to the cozy little atmosphere that we had with china teacups and saucers, candles, and individual teapots for each table. We had delish little finger foods, we played some silly games and gave away lots of fun prizes, and a sweet older Mama shared with us from her heart and had many of us in tears. So sweet.

We've learned a few things to make it better next time, we got some good ideas from the ladies of topics they would like to have covered in the future, and we're revving up for a summer event that will most likely take place on a Saturday so that hopefully there will be some Daddies out there who will be able to cover for a couple of hours so more Mommies can make it.
.....And next time the tea will stay hot. We promise.
A Young Mother's Tea
I'm not really sure who even reads this blog....or who checks out my facebook page. BUT - just in case there might be someone who hasn't heard of this fun little event taking place on Wednesday morning, this post is for you!
A friend and I are hosting a wee get together for any young mom in the area - or out of the area, for that matter. Any mother who has young children is welcome to attend. We want you to come and just take a break with us and enjoy sweet fellowship and fun food with other moms. You spend all day every day serving the ones that you love most. Now is your chance to come and be served by US!!
Normally, I am ALL about bringing your kids with you - it's easier, it's more cost effective, AND it's a fun chance for them to all play together anyway. But for this one event, we are asking that you find someone to care for your children for those two hours - and we promise (we pray!) that it will be worth it!
We have a really fun atmosphere donated to us for the occasion, we'll be serving coffee and tea out of beautiful teacups and saucers, we'll have tons of fun finger foods, random prizes given away, and a "seasoned veteran mom" will share some encouragement and truth with us that what we are doing is important!!!
Mothering matters. It is the highest of callings - and it is so easy to forget and be discouraged amidst the season of diapers and sibling fights and the mundane same old same old. The entire goal of this little get together will be for moms to leave with their tanks completely filled up - physically, emotionally, and most importantly spiritually. II Timothy talks about the older women teaching the younger women. Maybe older moms feel that they have nothing of importance to share. Maybe some of us come across acting like we have all of the answers. Either way, God tells us that we need each other, and we don't do it enough. I think this will be a pretty fun way to live out some practical Scripture.
So if you can come and bring a friend - it'll be awesome! If you can't come, please pray for us. Pray that women are blessed, that some unsaved Mommies come and are exposed to the Lord and to a whole new community of women, and that, above all, Christ is honored and lifted up during these two hours.
Here are the stats:
When: Wednesday, March 25 - as in TWO DAYS!
Where: The Light House Christian Cafe - 453 Wilson St., Brewer
(Attached to Vacationland Village Inn)
Time: 9:00-11:00
A friend and I are hosting a wee get together for any young mom in the area - or out of the area, for that matter. Any mother who has young children is welcome to attend. We want you to come and just take a break with us and enjoy sweet fellowship and fun food with other moms. You spend all day every day serving the ones that you love most. Now is your chance to come and be served by US!!
Normally, I am ALL about bringing your kids with you - it's easier, it's more cost effective, AND it's a fun chance for them to all play together anyway. But for this one event, we are asking that you find someone to care for your children for those two hours - and we promise (we pray!) that it will be worth it!
We have a really fun atmosphere donated to us for the occasion, we'll be serving coffee and tea out of beautiful teacups and saucers, we'll have tons of fun finger foods, random prizes given away, and a "seasoned veteran mom" will share some encouragement and truth with us that what we are doing is important!!!
Mothering matters. It is the highest of callings - and it is so easy to forget and be discouraged amidst the season of diapers and sibling fights and the mundane same old same old. The entire goal of this little get together will be for moms to leave with their tanks completely filled up - physically, emotionally, and most importantly spiritually. II Timothy talks about the older women teaching the younger women. Maybe older moms feel that they have nothing of importance to share. Maybe some of us come across acting like we have all of the answers. Either way, God tells us that we need each other, and we don't do it enough. I think this will be a pretty fun way to live out some practical Scripture.
So if you can come and bring a friend - it'll be awesome! If you can't come, please pray for us. Pray that women are blessed, that some unsaved Mommies come and are exposed to the Lord and to a whole new community of women, and that, above all, Christ is honored and lifted up during these two hours.
Here are the stats:
When: Wednesday, March 25 - as in TWO DAYS!
Where: The Light House Christian Cafe - 453 Wilson St., Brewer
(Attached to Vacationland Village Inn)
Time: 9:00-11:00
Just got back from a glorious week-end of scrapbooking in beautiful Bar Harbor with lovely friends. I am a "task oriented people person," so this week-end was just perfect for my little personality. I was able to accomplish something that has been hanging over my head for months - getting caught up on my albums - while enjoying sweet fellowship with some wonderful women.
Part of me feels like I was gone forever, and the other part of me feels like it was just a blip and now I'm back home and ready to step back into life again. This little hiatus was just the thing that I needed, and now I feel completely refreshed and rejuvenated. It has been almost two years since I have been away from all of my boy loves. Crazy.
They are all sleeping right now....but I cannot WAIT for them to wake up!
THIS is why I love little getaways once in awhile. They make me realize afresh and anew how truly full my life is and just how much love I have waiting back home for me. I am refueled and refreshed and ready to pour back into them again. Awesome.
And the amount of pages accomplished? No journaling, mind you - just the pictures with the borders, stickers, titles etc - but STILL!!!
101!!! That's right.
Part of me feels like I was gone forever, and the other part of me feels like it was just a blip and now I'm back home and ready to step back into life again. This little hiatus was just the thing that I needed, and now I feel completely refreshed and rejuvenated. It has been almost two years since I have been away from all of my boy loves. Crazy.
They are all sleeping right now....but I cannot WAIT for them to wake up!
THIS is why I love little getaways once in awhile. They make me realize afresh and anew how truly full my life is and just how much love I have waiting back home for me. I am refueled and refreshed and ready to pour back into them again. Awesome.
And the amount of pages accomplished? No journaling, mind you - just the pictures with the borders, stickers, titles etc - but STILL!!!
101!!! That's right.
Wow....I'm really rotting at this whole posting thing lately.
Lots of little things happening lately. Mostly just life stuff. I'm finally starting to feel like I know what I'm doing at work. It's definitly not my LOVE sitting in an office by myself and working with numbers, paying bills etc. I actually find it quite funny that this is what I am getting paid to do, as I don't really have a sweet clue of the bills and money happenings in my own home! If Kev were to kick the bucket, I know where he keeps the file of "our life," but other than that - things wouldn't go south pretty fast!
Ah well. My work is only a few hours a week, it pays some bills, and I love the school. One couldn't ask for a nicer atmosphere to work in. This is the place where Kaden spent two days each week the first year of his life - in a little swing, exersaucer, or johnny jump up! The Lord knew that we needed to have Kaden first - Jesse would have lasted ten minutes in that tiny space before he would've freaked out, and I would've gotten fired! :0)
For our family day last week, we all went ice fishing on super slippery Green Lake. Jesse was not impressed at his lack of ability to stay standing, so I pushed him around on a sled. I took one nice digger that Daddy got a good picture of AND stuck my entire boot right through a hole in the ice, but other than that, we stayed relatively dry. We had hot chocolate and played around on the ice until naptime. One of our bait fish lived to see another day, so he is now our pet "until he dies," says Kaden. And his name.....wait for it...."Fishy." Of course.
We had a wonderful friend from Pennsylvania come and visit us for a long weekend this past week. He was sort of like a surrogate uncle to the kids while we lived out there. I fear Kaden may have sucked him dry, but he seemed to have a good time.
We took him to the coast, as he had never been there before - in 20 degree weather. It was FREEZING but beautiful. We fed the seagulls, and one POOPED on my head! That's a first! It felt like someone threw a rock at my skull! Both boys were quite the gentlemen as they proceeded to double over laughing hysterically before Kev would wipe it out of my hair for me! Good times! :0)
And now we are in the throes of support raising. It's been a slow start, but I do love getting together with people that we know and love and just hanging with each other for a few hours, sharing food and our hearts with them. It's been really nice reconnecting and building our team. There's always some wonderful encouragement right when we need it!
I'm off to scrapbook for the weekend with some friends, and I CAN'T WAIT! It has been well over a year since I even touched a photo. I have grand plans for what I hope to accomplish - 1,400 pics give or take. We shall see. We shall see.
And today, we are just hanging home - two boys with colds and their Mommy. A slow, lazy day of making bread, reading Little House on the Prairie, watching an occasional show, and maybe some painting...maybe even a baby to snuggle if friends want to enter the germ house!
Happy Wednesday!
Lots of little things happening lately. Mostly just life stuff. I'm finally starting to feel like I know what I'm doing at work. It's definitly not my LOVE sitting in an office by myself and working with numbers, paying bills etc. I actually find it quite funny that this is what I am getting paid to do, as I don't really have a sweet clue of the bills and money happenings in my own home! If Kev were to kick the bucket, I know where he keeps the file of "our life," but other than that - things wouldn't go south pretty fast!
Ah well. My work is only a few hours a week, it pays some bills, and I love the school. One couldn't ask for a nicer atmosphere to work in. This is the place where Kaden spent two days each week the first year of his life - in a little swing, exersaucer, or johnny jump up! The Lord knew that we needed to have Kaden first - Jesse would have lasted ten minutes in that tiny space before he would've freaked out, and I would've gotten fired! :0)
For our family day last week, we all went ice fishing on super slippery Green Lake. Jesse was not impressed at his lack of ability to stay standing, so I pushed him around on a sled. I took one nice digger that Daddy got a good picture of AND stuck my entire boot right through a hole in the ice, but other than that, we stayed relatively dry. We had hot chocolate and played around on the ice until naptime. One of our bait fish lived to see another day, so he is now our pet "until he dies," says Kaden. And his name.....wait for it...."Fishy." Of course.
We had a wonderful friend from Pennsylvania come and visit us for a long weekend this past week. He was sort of like a surrogate uncle to the kids while we lived out there. I fear Kaden may have sucked him dry, but he seemed to have a good time.
We took him to the coast, as he had never been there before - in 20 degree weather. It was FREEZING but beautiful. We fed the seagulls, and one POOPED on my head! That's a first! It felt like someone threw a rock at my skull! Both boys were quite the gentlemen as they proceeded to double over laughing hysterically before Kev would wipe it out of my hair for me! Good times! :0)
And now we are in the throes of support raising. It's been a slow start, but I do love getting together with people that we know and love and just hanging with each other for a few hours, sharing food and our hearts with them. It's been really nice reconnecting and building our team. There's always some wonderful encouragement right when we need it!
I'm off to scrapbook for the weekend with some friends, and I CAN'T WAIT! It has been well over a year since I even touched a photo. I have grand plans for what I hope to accomplish - 1,400 pics give or take. We shall see. We shall see.
And today, we are just hanging home - two boys with colds and their Mommy. A slow, lazy day of making bread, reading Little House on the Prairie, watching an occasional show, and maybe some painting...maybe even a baby to snuggle if friends want to enter the germ house!
Happy Wednesday!
Been Awhile.....
I just realized that I have been off the radar for quite some time now. I seem to go through phases of posting daily and sometimes multiple times people wondering if I've died because of the length of time that goes between posting!
I haven't purposefully become a hermit. I think that's just how I get sometimes when my life feels a little bit out of control and when there is so much change going on that I don't quite know how to process it all. I am quite a creature of habit, and I love when my life has a somewhat predictable routine. I talk big about "bringing on the change," but when it actually happens, it throws me for a loop until I can find a rhythm again.
Needless to say, there's pretty much nothing about our lives right now that looks like it did a few weeks ago. Well - that's not true. Kev is still leading worship at our church, and things are going really well there. AND - a huge blessing to us is that our landlord has guaranteed us another year here with our rent staying the same if Kev helps out a few hours a week marketing the hotel. So, those things are steady and stable. Two huge things for which I am thankful.
Pretty much everything else though.......whew! The winds of change are upon us. And it's good - it's all very good. It's just a lot to wrap my brain around. Whenever our family goes through a season of change - which seems to happen a lot with us - I always find myself really thoughtful as we process through all of the new.
It is during these somewhat stressful times of change that the Lord reminds me afresh and anew of my great need for Him, of the necessity of making time, and of the need to be still amidst the crazyness to hear His still small voice calling me and wooing me back to Him. He knows my heart. He knows what needs to be done. He knows what I need, and he knows the needs of my family.
He promises me just what I need for today. The light He provides for my path is just enough to see ahead for the next couple of steps. That is enough.
"He shall feed His flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with His arm, and carry them in his bosom, and He shall gently lead those that are with young." - Isaiah 40:11.
I haven't purposefully become a hermit. I think that's just how I get sometimes when my life feels a little bit out of control and when there is so much change going on that I don't quite know how to process it all. I am quite a creature of habit, and I love when my life has a somewhat predictable routine. I talk big about "bringing on the change," but when it actually happens, it throws me for a loop until I can find a rhythm again.
Needless to say, there's pretty much nothing about our lives right now that looks like it did a few weeks ago. Well - that's not true. Kev is still leading worship at our church, and things are going really well there. AND - a huge blessing to us is that our landlord has guaranteed us another year here with our rent staying the same if Kev helps out a few hours a week marketing the hotel. So, those things are steady and stable. Two huge things for which I am thankful.
Pretty much everything else though.......whew! The winds of change are upon us. And it's good - it's all very good. It's just a lot to wrap my brain around. Whenever our family goes through a season of change - which seems to happen a lot with us - I always find myself really thoughtful as we process through all of the new.
It is during these somewhat stressful times of change that the Lord reminds me afresh and anew of my great need for Him, of the necessity of making time, and of the need to be still amidst the crazyness to hear His still small voice calling me and wooing me back to Him. He knows my heart. He knows what needs to be done. He knows what I need, and he knows the needs of my family.
He promises me just what I need for today. The light He provides for my path is just enough to see ahead for the next couple of steps. That is enough.
"He shall feed His flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with His arm, and carry them in his bosom, and He shall gently lead those that are with young." - Isaiah 40:11.
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