Came across a poem yesterday that I love. So good for me.....this mother who struggles with always wanting to accomplish things, who has a hard time just sitting and "being;" yet, who so desperately doesn't want to have any regrets.
* * * * * * *
Time is of the Essence
Now is the time to get things done,
wade in the water,
sit in the sun,
squish my toes
in the mud by the door,
explore the world in a boy just four.
Now is the time to study books,
how a cloud looks;
to ponder "up,"
where God sleeps at nights,
why mosquitoes take such big bites.
Later there'll be time
to sew and clean,
paint the hall
that soft new green,
to make new drapes,
refinish the floor -
Later on....when he's not just four.
* * * * * * *
So good
We're snuggled up inside on another wintery day this Monday morning. It's usually the day when all my girls come over, but I'm thinking none of us will be braving the roads today.
It's been a very quiet, restful weekend for all of us over here. On Friday, we did absolutely nothing - and it was glorious. We all stayed in our pajamas all day, and we all took naps at naptime! That evening, we did go downstairs to the coffee shop to hear some friends play and sing....and after the boys went to sleep Kev and I did have a wee date with some Chinese - but it was a blissfully relaxing and sloooooow day.
On Saturday, we decided that we needed to go outside to get the stink blown off of us, so we went back to the Camden area to try another Mt. Battie trail! When we were there last weekend, one of the trails was completely plowed, so we took the stroller with us this time. Well, half of the trail was plowed, and half of it was super snowy, so we walked up as far as we had the gumption to do, and then Kev and Kaden hopped over to the other side of the trail and slid down while I tried to keep control of Jesse in the stroller while running down the mountain on the other side!
Yesterday, we had church in the morning as usual. During our first song, our saxophone player royally messed up his solo, and Kev and I could not hold it together on stage. The congregation was laughing too, so that was good, but - oh my word - I had problems keeping it together for the whole song. And to top things off - he was supposed to play a little ditty at the end of the song to finish it out, and he bombed that part, too! We literally had tears rolling down our faces as we were leaving the stage, and it took us a good five minutes back in the pew to pull things together. Good times! I haven't laughed that hard in awhile!
Church was cancelled last night because we thought the snow was coming in early, so we just vegged home as a family and we all watched part of a movie together with a fun little dessert. It was a very nice weekend before a very crazy week ahead. So, I am thankful for those three days.
But NOW - I haven't been around my friends for awhile, so I am CAGEY today! I need to pull myself together and find some things to keep all of us occupied while the storm rages around us. I'm going to look for some snowy, wintery books. We're maybe going to make a snowman cake, and if I feel really energetic we might do something that involves paint and messiness. We shall see! :0)
Happy winter wonderland!
It's been a very quiet, restful weekend for all of us over here. On Friday, we did absolutely nothing - and it was glorious. We all stayed in our pajamas all day, and we all took naps at naptime! That evening, we did go downstairs to the coffee shop to hear some friends play and sing....and after the boys went to sleep Kev and I did have a wee date with some Chinese - but it was a blissfully relaxing and sloooooow day.
On Saturday, we decided that we needed to go outside to get the stink blown off of us, so we went back to the Camden area to try another Mt. Battie trail! When we were there last weekend, one of the trails was completely plowed, so we took the stroller with us this time. Well, half of the trail was plowed, and half of it was super snowy, so we walked up as far as we had the gumption to do, and then Kev and Kaden hopped over to the other side of the trail and slid down while I tried to keep control of Jesse in the stroller while running down the mountain on the other side!
Yesterday, we had church in the morning as usual. During our first song, our saxophone player royally messed up his solo, and Kev and I could not hold it together on stage. The congregation was laughing too, so that was good, but - oh my word - I had problems keeping it together for the whole song. And to top things off - he was supposed to play a little ditty at the end of the song to finish it out, and he bombed that part, too! We literally had tears rolling down our faces as we were leaving the stage, and it took us a good five minutes back in the pew to pull things together. Good times! I haven't laughed that hard in awhile!
Church was cancelled last night because we thought the snow was coming in early, so we just vegged home as a family and we all watched part of a movie together with a fun little dessert. It was a very nice weekend before a very crazy week ahead. So, I am thankful for those three days.
But NOW - I haven't been around my friends for awhile, so I am CAGEY today! I need to pull myself together and find some things to keep all of us occupied while the storm rages around us. I'm going to look for some snowy, wintery books. We're maybe going to make a snowman cake, and if I feel really energetic we might do something that involves paint and messiness. We shall see! :0)
Happy winter wonderland!
Winter Daaaaaaaze.......
This winter has seemed very long to me.
I'm not sure if it's because I'm coming off of three MILD Pennsylvania "winters" or what, but man, I am tired of the snow and the cold and all of the bundling that goes with this. The process of it all is beginning to get to me.
I think I'm just feeling cagey and mundane and same ole same ole. Not sure.
I'm also not a huge fan of change, and there is a lot of that coming our way these days. All good things - all "God" things - and all also very stretching things for this lover of all things comfortable and safe. I tend to get into "panic mode" before I settle into the new norm of what our life is going to look like. I'm learning. I feel like I've walked this road enough times to have it down by now, but it always takes me a bit to process things through. And God is gracious.
Whenever new chapters come our way, lots of family revamping and rescheduling take place, lots of reorganizing of priorities, and lots of quiet reminders from the Lord to me that I need to be drawing ever closer to Him, ever seeking His face, and ever striving to become more like Him.
We are making a life change career wise, I'm going to be going back to my Christian School to work very part time starting this week, and we may possibly have to find a new place to live come spring. All pretty big things for me. All things that force me to rely on the Lord for my sufficiency and strength - and not myself. I am not called to be comfortable. I am called to be obedient. Life's a journey - and we try to view it as an adventure - laying it all out there with no regrets. I honestly do feel this way most of the time. Sometimes, I just think I forget! :0)
I am being reminded afresh and anew these days to hold things loosely with an open hand. "My soul waits in silence for God ONLY; from Him is my salvation. He ONLY is my rock and my salvation." ~ Psalm 62:1,2
Be still and know that He is God.
Be still and know that He is holy.
Be still oh restless soul of mine.
Bow before the Prince of Peace,
Let the noise and clamor cease.
Be still and know that He is God.
Be still and know that He is faithful.
Consider all that He has done.
Stand in awe and be amazed.
And know that He will never change.
Be still.
Be still and know that He is God.
Come rest your head upon His breast.
Listen to the rhythm of His unfailing heart of love.
Beating for His little ones.
Calling each of us to Come.
Be still.
Be speechless.
I'm not sure if it's because I'm coming off of three MILD Pennsylvania "winters" or what, but man, I am tired of the snow and the cold and all of the bundling that goes with this. The process of it all is beginning to get to me.
I think I'm just feeling cagey and mundane and same ole same ole. Not sure.
I'm also not a huge fan of change, and there is a lot of that coming our way these days. All good things - all "God" things - and all also very stretching things for this lover of all things comfortable and safe. I tend to get into "panic mode" before I settle into the new norm of what our life is going to look like. I'm learning. I feel like I've walked this road enough times to have it down by now, but it always takes me a bit to process things through. And God is gracious.
Whenever new chapters come our way, lots of family revamping and rescheduling take place, lots of reorganizing of priorities, and lots of quiet reminders from the Lord to me that I need to be drawing ever closer to Him, ever seeking His face, and ever striving to become more like Him.
We are making a life change career wise, I'm going to be going back to my Christian School to work very part time starting this week, and we may possibly have to find a new place to live come spring. All pretty big things for me. All things that force me to rely on the Lord for my sufficiency and strength - and not myself. I am not called to be comfortable. I am called to be obedient. Life's a journey - and we try to view it as an adventure - laying it all out there with no regrets. I honestly do feel this way most of the time. Sometimes, I just think I forget! :0)
I am being reminded afresh and anew these days to hold things loosely with an open hand. "My soul waits in silence for God ONLY; from Him is my salvation. He ONLY is my rock and my salvation." ~ Psalm 62:1,2
Be still and know that He is God.
Be still and know that He is holy.
Be still oh restless soul of mine.
Bow before the Prince of Peace,
Let the noise and clamor cease.
Be still and know that He is God.
Be still and know that He is faithful.
Consider all that He has done.
Stand in awe and be amazed.
And know that He will never change.
Be still.
Be still and know that He is God.
Come rest your head upon His breast.
Listen to the rhythm of His unfailing heart of love.
Beating for His little ones.
Calling each of us to Come.
Be still.
Be speechless.
A "Life With My Boys" Kind of Weekend.....
It has been a very fun Valentine's Day weekend celebrating with my three loves.
Kevy took me out on a date Friday night, and believe it or not - gasp! Hold your breath - I actually wore a cute little black dress with some funky black boots to go with it. Not bad for a highly "anti-dress" kind of girl. I figure that Valentine's Day warranted a little more dressing up. We went out for a really yummy meal and then saw a funny movie afterwards. It was a very nice evening of just relaxing together and reconnecting after some serious crazyness lately.
Yesterday morning, my boys let me sleep in, and when I woke up they had a day of adventure planned. We bundled up warm, made some hot chocolate in a thermos, packed a picnic lunch, and hightailed it over to Campden. We stopped at the trails that climb to Mt. Battie, pulled the kids up in one sled, and a huge stash of supplies in another, and walked UP one of the trails until we were wiped.

THEN, - this next part was Kev's brain child - we pitched a tent!

And inside this blue little wonder, we had a delish little picnic lunch - completely protected from the outside elements!

When we were finished, we loaded everything up and slid back down the trails all the way to our car! It was a MUCH shorter trip back to the car than it was up that hill, let me tell you! It was a hoot....and it was SO MUCH FUN!
Yes. This is life with the man that I married.
Then, we headed to our most fave coffee shop where Jesse proceeded to fill - and I mean FILL - his the point of exploding out of his onesie, his long johns, his p.j's, his jeans, AND his snowsuit. It was amazing, to say the least...and it permeated the room. Fantastic. (Sidenote: just last week, Kaden projectile vomited some french fries all over Kev and the entire bathroom! These boys and their inner workings have outdone themselves these past few days).
No pictures for those two creations of joy. Hope none of you are disappointed.
Anyway, it's been a very nice weekend. I have been made to feel very loved and appreciated by my three boys, and it has been very restful and relaxing.
Kevy took me out on a date Friday night, and believe it or not - gasp! Hold your breath - I actually wore a cute little black dress with some funky black boots to go with it. Not bad for a highly "anti-dress" kind of girl. I figure that Valentine's Day warranted a little more dressing up. We went out for a really yummy meal and then saw a funny movie afterwards. It was a very nice evening of just relaxing together and reconnecting after some serious crazyness lately.
Yesterday morning, my boys let me sleep in, and when I woke up they had a day of adventure planned. We bundled up warm, made some hot chocolate in a thermos, packed a picnic lunch, and hightailed it over to Campden. We stopped at the trails that climb to Mt. Battie, pulled the kids up in one sled, and a huge stash of supplies in another, and walked UP one of the trails until we were wiped.

THEN, - this next part was Kev's brain child - we pitched a tent!

And inside this blue little wonder, we had a delish little picnic lunch - completely protected from the outside elements!

When we were finished, we loaded everything up and slid back down the trails all the way to our car! It was a MUCH shorter trip back to the car than it was up that hill, let me tell you! It was a hoot....and it was SO MUCH FUN!
Yes. This is life with the man that I married.
Then, we headed to our most fave coffee shop where Jesse proceeded to fill - and I mean FILL - his the point of exploding out of his onesie, his long johns, his p.j's, his jeans, AND his snowsuit. It was amazing, to say the least...and it permeated the room. Fantastic. (Sidenote: just last week, Kaden projectile vomited some french fries all over Kev and the entire bathroom! These boys and their inner workings have outdone themselves these past few days).
No pictures for those two creations of joy. Hope none of you are disappointed.
Anyway, it's been a very nice weekend. I have been made to feel very loved and appreciated by my three boys, and it has been very restful and relaxing.
Our Journey....
This will be news for some.....not so much for others. Bear with me!
This past Sunday, Kev stepped down from his position of Pastor of Family Ministries at our church. This is a decision that we have been praying about for some time as we have felt the Lord's strong leading in our lives to go in a different direction. We love our new church family, and they will remain as our home church. Kev will also stay on staff as the part-time worship leader. Our pastor and deacon board have been nothing but supportive and understanding, and they have our full respect.
We are going to begin raising full-time support to be missionaries with U.S. Center for World Missions whose mission is to "see God’s Kingdom come and His will done on earth among all the world’s peoples." The number one reason why missionaries leave the field and why ministry teams disband is because of interpersonal problems. The goal of our ministry will be to fulfill Jesus' last prayer before He went to the Cross.
In John 17, He prayed that "we might be one!" He always knew what the biggest obstacle would be for the Gospel going forth. We want to use Clarion Consulting as a tool to help teams of believers - whether they be missions teams, a husband and wife team, or a church leadership or ministry team - be healthy and be "one" so that the Gospel will be proclaimed more effectively.
Did we make a mistake in coming back home and in coming to this church to take this position? No way! It's all been part of the journey and part of our story. We needed this process. We were going to stay an extra year out in Pennsylvania to do this exact thing while I finished out my Master's Degree, but we "common sensed" ourselves out of it because we had a super fussy baby and student loans. The timing wasn't right back then. It is now. This is what we have always wanted to do, and we thought we would be able to do it in this role that Kev accepted at our church. We have never doubted our calling. What we have found, however, is that this role is not the best fit for what we feel the Lord calling us to do.
Life is a journey of faith - full of chapters and twists and turns - some expected and some not. When we accepted this position we didn't know the future and couldn't see that this particular chapter of our lives would only be about five months. But God knew. He is confirming to us daily that this is the next step we need to be taking. He hasn't promised that it would be easy, but He HAS promised very clearly that He will take care of us and supply all of our needs. And isn't that what life is supposed to be all about, anyway? A life walked by faith and not by sight?
And I will tell you this - I firmly believe that MY number one calling is to follow my husband and to be his wife and the best mother possible to my children. My calling is easy! But, what a joy it is to watch your man walk his journey of faith with abandonment and passion and know in your heart of hearts that he is truly living out what he has been called to be and do.
Will we struggle? I'm banking on it.
Will it be our biggest test of faith ever? Ummmm. Have you been paying attention to our economy lately? People are being let go from their jobs right and left. In human eyes - who would EVER voluntarily give up a good paying job in today's times? But our trust is not in man. We are far less worried about safety and security and way more invested in purpose and meaning. We're on a journey of faith and obedience, and we're just putting one foot in front of the other until He leads otherwise.
Walk with us.
This past Sunday, Kev stepped down from his position of Pastor of Family Ministries at our church. This is a decision that we have been praying about for some time as we have felt the Lord's strong leading in our lives to go in a different direction. We love our new church family, and they will remain as our home church. Kev will also stay on staff as the part-time worship leader. Our pastor and deacon board have been nothing but supportive and understanding, and they have our full respect.
We are going to begin raising full-time support to be missionaries with U.S. Center for World Missions whose mission is to "see God’s Kingdom come and His will done on earth among all the world’s peoples." The number one reason why missionaries leave the field and why ministry teams disband is because of interpersonal problems. The goal of our ministry will be to fulfill Jesus' last prayer before He went to the Cross.
In John 17, He prayed that "we might be one!" He always knew what the biggest obstacle would be for the Gospel going forth. We want to use Clarion Consulting as a tool to help teams of believers - whether they be missions teams, a husband and wife team, or a church leadership or ministry team - be healthy and be "one" so that the Gospel will be proclaimed more effectively.
Did we make a mistake in coming back home and in coming to this church to take this position? No way! It's all been part of the journey and part of our story. We needed this process. We were going to stay an extra year out in Pennsylvania to do this exact thing while I finished out my Master's Degree, but we "common sensed" ourselves out of it because we had a super fussy baby and student loans. The timing wasn't right back then. It is now. This is what we have always wanted to do, and we thought we would be able to do it in this role that Kev accepted at our church. We have never doubted our calling. What we have found, however, is that this role is not the best fit for what we feel the Lord calling us to do.
Life is a journey of faith - full of chapters and twists and turns - some expected and some not. When we accepted this position we didn't know the future and couldn't see that this particular chapter of our lives would only be about five months. But God knew. He is confirming to us daily that this is the next step we need to be taking. He hasn't promised that it would be easy, but He HAS promised very clearly that He will take care of us and supply all of our needs. And isn't that what life is supposed to be all about, anyway? A life walked by faith and not by sight?
And I will tell you this - I firmly believe that MY number one calling is to follow my husband and to be his wife and the best mother possible to my children. My calling is easy! But, what a joy it is to watch your man walk his journey of faith with abandonment and passion and know in your heart of hearts that he is truly living out what he has been called to be and do.
Will we struggle? I'm banking on it.
Will it be our biggest test of faith ever? Ummmm. Have you been paying attention to our economy lately? People are being let go from their jobs right and left. In human eyes - who would EVER voluntarily give up a good paying job in today's times? But our trust is not in man. We are far less worried about safety and security and way more invested in purpose and meaning. We're on a journey of faith and obedience, and we're just putting one foot in front of the other until He leads otherwise.
Walk with us.
Things Not to Say During Labor....
I just came across this list in my travels and found it to be quite amusing.
To his credit, my husband has never once said anything even close to these things during my labors.....he just got a wee bit turned around on our way to the hospital with Jesse...after my water broke....while I was telling him that I needed to push "NOW"....and he asked me if we were supposed to turn right or left. He quickly closed his dear little lips and simply found his own way to our midwife!
Okay, here we go!
-- Gosh, you're lucky. I sure wish men could experience the miracle of childbirth.
-- Do you think the baby will come before Monday Night Football starts?
-- I hope you're ready. The Glamour Shot photographer will be here in fifteen minutes.
-- If you think this hurts, I should tell you about the time I twisted my ankle playing basketball.
-- That was the kids on the phone. Did you have anything planned for dinner?
-- When you lay on your back, you look like a python that swallowed a wild boar.
-- You don't need an epidural. Just relax and enjoy the moment.
-- This whole experience kind of reminds me of an episode from I Love Lucy.
-- Oops! Which cord was I supposed to cut?
-- Stop your swearing and just breathe.
-- Remember what we learned in Lamaze class! HEE HEE HOO HOO.
--You're not using the right words.
-- Your stomach still looks like there's another one in there.
(Taken from Generation Cedar).
To his credit, my husband has never once said anything even close to these things during my labors.....he just got a wee bit turned around on our way to the hospital with Jesse...after my water broke....while I was telling him that I needed to push "NOW"....and he asked me if we were supposed to turn right or left. He quickly closed his dear little lips and simply found his own way to our midwife!
Okay, here we go!
-- Gosh, you're lucky. I sure wish men could experience the miracle of childbirth.
-- Do you think the baby will come before Monday Night Football starts?
-- I hope you're ready. The Glamour Shot photographer will be here in fifteen minutes.
-- If you think this hurts, I should tell you about the time I twisted my ankle playing basketball.
-- That was the kids on the phone. Did you have anything planned for dinner?
-- When you lay on your back, you look like a python that swallowed a wild boar.
-- You don't need an epidural. Just relax and enjoy the moment.
-- This whole experience kind of reminds me of an episode from I Love Lucy.
-- Oops! Which cord was I supposed to cut?
-- Stop your swearing and just breathe.
-- Remember what we learned in Lamaze class! HEE HEE HOO HOO.
--You're not using the right words.
-- Your stomach still looks like there's another one in there.
(Taken from Generation Cedar).
Happy Valentine's Day Cookies
Pictures are a wee bit yellowish....sorry about that.

Warning: These are not healthy AT ALL! But, they're yummy and fun to make with your kidlets for a special Valentine's Day treat. Equally fun to give away, as well! :0) I have doubled the recipe, because I figure if you're getting out all of the mess for a wee batch, why not make a big one and share the wealth?
Each to his own....

Cookie ingredients:
2 cups sugar, 1 cup butter, 1/2 cup shortening (the only thing I EVER use shortening for), 2 Tablespoons vanilla, 4 eggs, 5 cups flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 1 teaspoon salt, 2/3 cup multi-colored long candy sprinkles (or whatever you have. I only had pink and brown today).
Chill dough at least one hour before rolling and shaping. Cut into hearts or whatever your little soul desires and bake at 325 degrees until set, but not crispy. Cookies should not be brown on the bottom. Approx. 10ish minutes. Cool.
1 1/2 cups butter softened, 4 cups powdered sugar, 2 tablespoons canned milk, 1 teaspoon of vanilla OR almond extract, and 3-6 drops of red food coloring.
Spread one heaping teaspoon (or one large blob if you measure like I do) of filling between cookies and sandwich them together. Store filled cookies in fridge until partaking of or giving away!

Warning: These are not healthy AT ALL! But, they're yummy and fun to make with your kidlets for a special Valentine's Day treat. Equally fun to give away, as well! :0) I have doubled the recipe, because I figure if you're getting out all of the mess for a wee batch, why not make a big one and share the wealth?
Each to his own....

Cookie ingredients:
2 cups sugar, 1 cup butter, 1/2 cup shortening (the only thing I EVER use shortening for), 2 Tablespoons vanilla, 4 eggs, 5 cups flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 1 teaspoon salt, 2/3 cup multi-colored long candy sprinkles (or whatever you have. I only had pink and brown today).
Chill dough at least one hour before rolling and shaping. Cut into hearts or whatever your little soul desires and bake at 325 degrees until set, but not crispy. Cookies should not be brown on the bottom. Approx. 10ish minutes. Cool.
1 1/2 cups butter softened, 4 cups powdered sugar, 2 tablespoons canned milk, 1 teaspoon of vanilla OR almond extract, and 3-6 drops of red food coloring.
Spread one heaping teaspoon (or one large blob if you measure like I do) of filling between cookies and sandwich them together. Store filled cookies in fridge until partaking of or giving away!

One Year Ago......
A year ago this week, this Mommy had the scare of her life. Jesse was seven months old, and it was the very weekend that he started scooting. Kev had a Saturday class, and I drove him to school because I wanted the car to go to the market later. In my hurry to get him out the door, I was careless and left my curling iron on and sitting on the floor in our bathroom. When the boys and I got back home from dropping Kev off, I completely forgot about it and went about my business. Kaden went to use the bathroom, Jesse crawled in after him, and the rest is history.

Certainly the most traumatic thing we have ever been through as a family. Days upon days of screaming and cleaning and bandaging and rebandaging his sweet little hands. 45 minutes to an hour both morning and evening. Trying times.

Our family experienced God's grace and mercy in amazing ways during those weeks and months, though. We have a very unique insurance, so because of this only certain doctors and hospitals will take us on. If we didn't have this situation, we would have simply gone to one of the doctor's right in the area of our school. Instead, our pediatrician sent us to the number one Pediatric Hospital in the nation with one of the very best plastic surgeons in that hospital. And get this - not only was our Dr. Chang one of the BEST.......he had a specialty, and it was specifically HANDS!

Kev doesn't like re-living those days, and neither do I. But, it is important to remember how very good God was to us and how well He took care of us! We got the number one hospital with the number one doctor who was known for making toes into fully functioning fingers and operating on far more severe burns than our little guy experienced. He took such great care of our baby and what was even more amazing was the fact that back in those days Jesse was quite the screamer.....and he was completely mesmerized and calm whenever this doctor took care of him.....every single time! I wanted to take him home with us!
Being in that hospital was also helpful for me to gain proper perspective of our situation. Many parents were experiencing far more excruciating and traumatic situations than we were. In the grand scheme of things, it could have been far far worse. Nothing I EVER want to go through again.....but it was helpful to be reminded of how many things I had to be thankful for.

This is not a great picture, but it shows how his fingers healed before having surgery. They healed somewhat claw-like, and the doctors said that as his hands grew he would be in pain because of the lack of skin there and he would not have full functionality like he should.
So, on Jesse's first birthday, he got a little blue cast and had a skin graft taken from his hips. You can't even see the hip scar today, and the scarring from his burns is all on the bottom of his hand, so no one ever even notices unless he flips his hand over. I can't believe that I don't have a picture of his hand now, but needless to say, it is completely healed with full and total functionality. Praise the Lord! There is a tiny little scar along the side of his middle finger that may need to be looked at when he turns three or four, but if it feels tight or painful not only will he be able to tell us by that age, but it will be the tiniest, most minor of surgeries - and in and out thing which will not be a big deal at all.
And knowing my Jesse like I do......methinks this will be the first of many a hospital visit! But the last of one that is because of me, Lord willing.......
* * * * * * * * * *
"He heals the brokenhearted....and binds up their wounds." ~ Psalm 147:3
"My soul, wait in silence for God only, for my hope is from Him. He only is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I shall not be shaken. On God...I rest; the rock of my strength, my refuge is in God. Trust in Him at all times, oh people; pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us." ~ Psalm 62:5-8
"When I remember You on my bed, I meditate on You in the night watches, for You have been my help, and in the shadow of Your wings I sing for joy. My soul clings to You; Your right hand upholds me." ~ Psalm 63:6-8

Certainly the most traumatic thing we have ever been through as a family. Days upon days of screaming and cleaning and bandaging and rebandaging his sweet little hands. 45 minutes to an hour both morning and evening. Trying times.

Our family experienced God's grace and mercy in amazing ways during those weeks and months, though. We have a very unique insurance, so because of this only certain doctors and hospitals will take us on. If we didn't have this situation, we would have simply gone to one of the doctor's right in the area of our school. Instead, our pediatrician sent us to the number one Pediatric Hospital in the nation with one of the very best plastic surgeons in that hospital. And get this - not only was our Dr. Chang one of the BEST.......he had a specialty, and it was specifically HANDS!

Kev doesn't like re-living those days, and neither do I. But, it is important to remember how very good God was to us and how well He took care of us! We got the number one hospital with the number one doctor who was known for making toes into fully functioning fingers and operating on far more severe burns than our little guy experienced. He took such great care of our baby and what was even more amazing was the fact that back in those days Jesse was quite the screamer.....and he was completely mesmerized and calm whenever this doctor took care of him.....every single time! I wanted to take him home with us!
Being in that hospital was also helpful for me to gain proper perspective of our situation. Many parents were experiencing far more excruciating and traumatic situations than we were. In the grand scheme of things, it could have been far far worse. Nothing I EVER want to go through again.....but it was helpful to be reminded of how many things I had to be thankful for.

This is not a great picture, but it shows how his fingers healed before having surgery. They healed somewhat claw-like, and the doctors said that as his hands grew he would be in pain because of the lack of skin there and he would not have full functionality like he should.
So, on Jesse's first birthday, he got a little blue cast and had a skin graft taken from his hips. You can't even see the hip scar today, and the scarring from his burns is all on the bottom of his hand, so no one ever even notices unless he flips his hand over. I can't believe that I don't have a picture of his hand now, but needless to say, it is completely healed with full and total functionality. Praise the Lord! There is a tiny little scar along the side of his middle finger that may need to be looked at when he turns three or four, but if it feels tight or painful not only will he be able to tell us by that age, but it will be the tiniest, most minor of surgeries - and in and out thing which will not be a big deal at all.
And knowing my Jesse like I do......methinks this will be the first of many a hospital visit! But the last of one that is because of me, Lord willing.......
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"He heals the brokenhearted....and binds up their wounds." ~ Psalm 147:3
"My soul, wait in silence for God only, for my hope is from Him. He only is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I shall not be shaken. On God...I rest; the rock of my strength, my refuge is in God. Trust in Him at all times, oh people; pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us." ~ Psalm 62:5-8
"When I remember You on my bed, I meditate on You in the night watches, for You have been my help, and in the shadow of Your wings I sing for joy. My soul clings to You; Your right hand upholds me." ~ Psalm 63:6-8
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