A Week-end in the County

And we're doing this Dial-up style.....my the patience that has been required of me to wait for this one little page to open up for me to type upon. In the time it has taken for this glorious computer to dial up, I have managed to: run a bath for my kids, read an entire story to Kaden, do all of the supper dishes, and wash an entire load of laundry.

Just kidding......kind of...

Anyhoo, my wee bairns and I kicked it up to the County for a few days to see my little family. I haven't been up north (Canada, as Peter likes to refer to my homeland) since we've arrived back in Maine, so we were all more than a little excited for this trip.

While Hubbito has been the mighty white hunter this weekend, I have partaken in all sorts of wondrous country activities that my soul has craved for many a month. Dad and I went for a long four-wheeler ride all bundled up in whatever clothes we could find and went looking for a bunch of moose that he had found in some field the other day, we have raked mountains of leaves and jumped into them, we picked apples from Mom's winter apple tree and I'm going to make oodles of yummy applesauce when I get back, we carved a pumpkin, I've had splendid visits with my cousins and my big bro, Mom has let me sleep in EVERY morning - glory to God in the Highest!, we've cooked and decorated fall and Christmas cookies, we've had tea parties, I don't think I've been hungry once this entire week-end because I have never stopped eating, and Mom and I have had movie nights every night after the rest of the house has hit the hay!

Food, fun, family, fellowship. Wide open spaces, the country fall air. Quality time with my mom and my boys. I am refreshed and rejuvenated!

A glorious week-end, indeed!


Anonymous said...

Awww, so happy for you, Ame...I'm glad you could get home and have a visit with your fam, and some quality time with your mama...and, okay - we'll have to talk THIS week, 'cause I am COMING TO MAINE in less than 2 weeks and I want to SEE YOU!!! I REALLY hope it works out!!! So, I'll give you a call...actually - are you home now?! I guess you'll have your cell on you, I'll call you in the next couple days, my dear...I love ya - glad you are enjoying Maine again...the way life should be, huh?!

Shay said...

I may have to stop reading here for a while... I feel awfully closed up tight in suburbia after reading this... *sigh* So happy for you Ame, this is such a gorgeous time of year! We were coming home from the camper for the last time today and I have kept the fall tree colors in my mind for the last few hours, so lovely.

Anonymous said...

Dahling, it was so great to see you this past week. I love how you described all things County - very nail on the head. Not everyone can appreciate 4 wheeling when it's freezing cold, looking for moose (which only appear when you're not looking, by the way), and enjoying some of that seasonal cooking. Don't know when we'll be down to Bangor again, but I'll let you know!