Ten Things

In the quiet of the boy's naps and Kevy running errands, I am reminded once again of how full my life truly is and how blessed I am with all that God has given me.

I am getting to know myself better and better with each passing year and life chapter, and I am becoming increasingly aware of how much I really do not like change....it's really not my fave! Yet, how much fun would it be to lead a safe and boring life for all of one's days? Not very! So, even though these past fews weeks have been a little MWWWWAAAAHHHH-ish....I'm thankful for them...and I'm excited for what the future holds. I'm excited for these new changes, this new home, and this new chapter of our lives.

~ I'm excited that our boys now live so much closer to both sets of grandparents. Both Kev and I had grandparents who played huge roles in each of our lives, and we have always wanted that for our children.

~ I'm thankful for the support system of our moms and families, as well. They have already blessed us beyond measure in these few short weeks that we have been home.

~ I'm excited for the boys to be sharing a room together. My big bro and I shared a room for quite a few years when we were really young, and those are some of my very best memories with him. Naps may still be taken separately, as I tried that the other day and they laughed together for an entire HOUR before finally falling asleep, but I honestly don't mind that, either. Those times are what family memories are made of.

~ I'm thankful for my beautiful MAINE friendships....many old from the very earliest years of our marriage and also some new with our new church family. Some of my girls I have yet to hang with - which must be remedied forthwith....But my life is full here. I never have an excuse to be lonely.

~ The help that we have received since we arrived home has been amazing. In the midst of moving, I had help with the painting and decorating, food was made, the boys were watched, and offers for borrowed cars have been coming out our ears since ours have died. Rach has been my sanity, Anna has loved on my boyzies at church, and friends have called and emailed often.

~ I'm thankful for how much fuller my life is now because of our three years in PA, as well. Some lifelong friendships were made there along with some fantastic memories. I will forever treasure that chapter in our life. We even got a Jesse out of the whole deal! :0)

~ And for my sweet Kaden. My boy who forever changed my life and created for a me a role that I wondered if I would ever be worthy of....Mommy. What a gift he is. What a treasure. And he warmed my heart the other day when he told me that he wanted to start doing some Mommy and Kaden dates - "Just us!" he said. You'd better believe it, Buddy. I am honored you would ask.

~ And sweet Jesse - my boy joy wild child. I daily eat humble pie with this one, and he has aged me already. Yet, I would not trade him for the world. He is boy through and through and he delights me. (On my bad days, Kaden and I threaten to sell him to the zoo, but they honestly are fairly few and far between....okay, maybe once or twice a week....) I'm praying that he will be a warrier for Jesus, and that he will love and serve Him with the intensity that he has for all of the rest of life. He is a leader. Those spitty kisses....those squishy hugs....be still my soul!

~ And my Kevy. The man who I would follow to the ends of the earth. My best friend and my soulmate who knows me better than I know myself. I honestly do not know where I end and where he begins. He is the heartbeat of our family.

~ Finally, Lord Jesus. It's all about You...and all this is for you. Thank you for your gifts, your patience, your wisdom that you give, and the grace that You so freely bestow. Great is thy faithfulness Oh God my Father......


Anonymous said...

Ame...I just read your last two posts...you, my dear...oh...I just love you...I love hearing your heart in your writing...I can't wait to really SEE you, as a mom...and just YOU...I am really hoping it works out for us to see you guys in a couple weeks...I'll try to call you this week to arrange something...I have thought of you often these last weeks especially...I hope you are settling in...I think you are too hard on yourself sometimes, to be honest...I think you are a pretty amazing person...I love ya, and I am honored to have you in my life...I wish we lived closer...I hope you have a wonderful day with your boys...i can't wait to see them!! I love you, my dear old friend.

rachael a said...

my favorite of your posts. . . so far. :) you are dear. there is only ONE like you. :)

Shay said...

It's great to read about how things are going up there. Sounds like life is pretty sweet :)