A Week in the Life of Me....

Contact with the outside world has been a wee bit interesting these past few days. I don't have the computer during the day as Kev takes the laptop to work. This is going to be changing soon, as I feel that I have lost all connection with what is going on outside these walls, but regardless - even when I have had my opportunities to get online, the service at our hotel has been very sporatic. Today is a good day, so I shall blog at will with no guarantees of when I will be back!

Nothing overly amazing to report. I'm starting to get geared up for the Christmas season. Doing a little shopping and a little planning for what we're going to do with our family. Kaden is at the age where he is totally involved and where he will start to remember what we do for family traditions, so I'm trying to be really purposeful and intentional in the things that we are going to do. We've already made cookies together, and I'm just excited about savoring the little things and doing all kinds of fun cooking and crafting and reading and playing.

Kev and I were able to go on a really nice date a couple of days ago. It was just so nice to be able to really connect and catch up with each other's lives. It's so easy for one day to turn into a week before really sitting down and seeing what's going on in each other's hearts and minds. We had some yummy Mexican food, some great conversation, and THEN we were able to sneak over to see our new little "neice,".....another potential bride for one of my boys.....(right, Scott?) Sweet Kirsten Jael...a truly beautiful little daughter of some sweet friends of ours.

Let's see.....also in this week, Jesse managed to get quite the nice shiner from falling into the corner of a table, and I managed to run over Kaden's fingers with a grocery cart while shopping that very same day. Many tears and drama were involved on that day! A somewhat typical day in the life of us, I guess.....

I was able to have some nice visits with some friends and their babes this week...more to come this next week, as well. I always love that. We also went to a day long conference with the deacons and wives from our church yesterday. Although I'm not much of a fan for giving up my Saturdays, I really did enjoy getting to know these couples a lot better. We actually had quite the hoot together during a good part of the day. Kev told me that I was quite "boisterous.".......uh-oh. They all saw the real me, I guess!

We have started a new family tradition where every Friday night the boys put on their p.j.'s and we go downstairs to the little Christian cafe. We eat a pizza and listen to whatever live band is playing, and then the kids run around a little until bedtime. It's quite nice, really! Both kids love music, and it's really fun being so close to whoever is playing on the stage. This past Friday, we also acquired a new pet - a little lone fish that was struggling in an aquarium down there with no one to love him. Kaden and I took pity on him, so now we are fishy sitting him back to health. He's quite cute, and both boys are thrilled with our new addition. I have to keep Jesse from giving him hugs and squeezes. Instead, he just points and screams to his heart's content! Good times!

And the name of our new pet? "Fish Bowl." Classic.

So...yup. That sums up our week in a nutshell. I hope all of you are doing well. Happy Sunday to you!


Esther said...

Amy I almost always end up laughing when I read your blog. I LOVE the name of your fish. Fish Bowl is such a perfect name. Oh my word I'm laughing right now.

Anyway, it was fabulous to have you and Kev here this week - we loved it! Hope we can see each other again soon.

rachael a said...

sam and i love fishbowl :) i think we might have to get a fishbowl of our own. . but first we'll see if the little aquarium fills that void . :)

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahaha, the part about Fish Bowl (especially Jesse's reaction to him) made me laugh pretty hard.

Oh my. Miss you guys.