Tis the Season

For warm cozies and lots of stories inside on chilly days
For winter berries in sap buckets.....oh, how I am addicted to winter berries!
For colds and runny noses that can't seem to be shaken
For homemade bread and chicken cooking slowly all day in the oven
For Mommy waking up three times each night to brothers waking each other while sharing the same room. Praises!
For both of our cars to die at once.
For friends to come to ME becaue I am stranded here alone all day.
For thankfulness amidst exhaustion.
For all of the boysies in my life that love to make perpetual MESSES!
For a new day where God's mercies are new and afresh!

Happy Thursday!


Anonymous said...

Aaaaaaaaaaaaamen. I love how you're saying "praises." :) It makes me really happy.

I miss you. And love you. And all the boys, of course.

rachael a said...

for your joyful spirit,addictive love for coffee and yummy treats,
mutual love of winter berries and sap
babies waking in the night to be rocked back to sleep,lovoly breakfasts amidst kidlit chaos,
praises inDEED!

i love you ames. for the everyday mom and friend you are :)

Esther said...

I love your positive spirit in the midst of what many would consider catastrophes. You are wonderful! I hope to see you soon my dear.

Shay said...

Love you Amy :)