Day Four of the Plague

I have determined that my body has a far higher tolerance for pain than for itching. I would not wish this on my worst enemy......except Satan. I do, however, feel like today I have rounded a corner. I think the steroids are starting to take effect. Praise the Lord above. I still look like a monster, but at least I am not making a scene in public by frantically scratching and looking like I am about to go INSANE!

In other news, we're having a massive yard sale tomorrow along with some of our friends. That's always fun. Oh, how I love getting rid of things!.....except for my couches and chairs. I do like to be able to sit on things. Kev wants to get rid of EVERYTHING and start over fresh when we move home. To which I say: "My Love...whatever are we going to sit our bunsies on in the interim? (interum?)" He didn't seem too worried about that. I, however, happen to enjoy sitting on things other than the floor when I eat and watch t.v. He still has a few hours to convince me.......


rachael a said...

DO IT AMES! GET RID OF EVERYTHING! how FUN to start all over! :) well. . get rid of as much as you DARE :) haha! oh sweets im so sorry about your itchy's i have the most sincere
empathy as i spent the first two months of being prego with a hairbrush as my best friend . . .have you wanted to use a hairbrush all over your body yet? im SURE you have. :) poor dear.
i wish i could go to your yard sale. fun fun.
love you sweets.

Anonymous said...

glad to hear you're doing a little better, oh my word, I can't imagine how annoying and frustrating that would sorry, dearie. And, I am reading "after the fact" - so, hopefully your yard sale went great - did you sell all you wanted to sell? Hard getting rid of things sometimes, but so refreshing as well...there is very little I own that I am attached to - if I had the money to buy everything new - there is hardly anything I would really want to keep...hope your yard sale went well...i'll try to call you this ya, Ame.

Shay said...

Poor girl! I was hoping your itchies were gone by now.
Hope the yard sale went well. Will I see you tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

oh, this was how i felt with my awful case of athlete's foot combined with allergic reaction to what I used just before Charlotte was born. So gross! Kept me up at night and put me in tears--so glad you're feeling better. How was the yard sale?
ok, i'm really going to try to do my quirks today :) Sorry to be soooo slowwwwww...